2010 Apr 12 1:52 PM
I need to report on the article listed or extended on a selected date.
Somehow, my user does not want to take in those article that are
a. de-list from concess module and listed as assortment
b. article delisted and re-list due to some reasons which is not a genuine fresh entry.
Is there a way to differentiate whether an article is a fresh entry or delisted and relisted due to some reasons?
2010 Apr 12 8:37 PM
Please see changes for listing using transaction WSLI. Depending the result, you can judge whether it is new listing or relisting. This can also be programmed using change document tables CDHDR/CDPOS.
2010 Apr 13 5:03 AM
Searching thru CDHDR and CDPOS is time-consuming. Is there a more effective ways to track if the same article had been delisted before and relisted again on a specific day?
2010 Apr 14 4:29 AM
In stead of deleting listing conditions using WSP6, you may expire them using WSP5. This will keep records in table WLK1 with past validity dates. When you list an article, you can validate based these records.
2010 Apr 14 8:51 AM
You have provided the best alternatives for me. Adopting it will changed the current practise and so, I will need to discuss again with my Users.