2008 Aug 25 2:52 AM
Hi Can anyone xplain me the major difference b/w POS TE and POS GM.
In our landscape we have POSGM, XI and BI (No POSDM).
So can POS send the data into XI and How XI sends to BI without having POSDM.
Standard business content in BI is based on POSDM. So now how can XI send the data into BI and is it possible to use standard content in BI w/o using POSDM
2008 Aug 25 6:09 AM
Hi Annie
you can communicate with BIW and Xi with the help of ABAP proxy
you configure your scenario in IR(XI Side )
from BIW system
and then use ABAP proxy in BIW side (T Code Sproxy)
and create one functional module and also fallow note 717162.
Amit Shivhare
2008 Aug 25 6:09 AM
Hi Annie
you can communicate with BIW and Xi with the help of ABAP proxy
you configure your scenario in IR(XI Side )
from BIW system
and then use ABAP proxy in BIW side (T Code Sproxy)
and create one functional module and also fallow note 717162.
Amit Shivhare
2008 Aug 25 7:03 AM
Hi Amit
Thanks for the reply. Waiting for the reply since long time.
We can extract using abap proxy from XI..Gr8
Can you plz tell me if we can use controls and totals datasource to populate my standard cubes.
The reason y i am asking this question is because we dont have POSDM and i am a bit confused to use standard content or not
2008 Aug 25 7:13 AM
HI Annie
i did not have more idea abt data scources(and BI) but i think some info cube avilable in BI i.e releted to retail ..
like data scourse for retail artilce master and means of payment you can use that cubes
and content is also avilable youcan download and use it
you can drop test mail in mail ID i will send some data
Amit Shivhare
Edited by: Amit Shivhare on Aug 25, 2008 11:44 AM
2008 Aug 25 7:15 AM