2018 Apr 25 3:56 PM
Hi All,
After making change in the Delivery date by 'Fast Item change' in the Allocation table (WA01/WA02) getting error message as 'The user exit 'Delivery Date' has provided incorrect data for :Item, Article, Receipent'.
We have checked FM 'MD_CHECK_DELIVERY_DATE; where Site, Planning calendar and Planning cycle data is provided and system provides output with the dates and not giving any error message, but with same data in the allocation table it's gives an error message as above. Could you please share fix for it.
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,
2018 Apr 26 7:04 AM
Hi Rahul,
This message is raised, if there is any issue with the data provided by user exit EXIT_SAPLWAUF_100 or EXIT_SAPLWAUF_103.
If do you have any implementation there, it should be checked first internally.
The checks, which are performed after the user exit can be found in function module WAUF_DETERMINE_DELIV_PHASE_DC or WAUF_DETERMINE_DELIVERY_PHASE (depending on the call stack), so you should put a breakpoint somewhere here, if you would like to find out yourself the root cause.
Best regards,
2018 Apr 26 7:21 AM
Hi Andras,
Thank you for the quick reply.
I will check, one more question, is there any checks for the data from the Article master or from Source list or from PIR.
Can you please suggest.
Best Regards,
Rahul Shah
2018 Apr 26 7:36 AM
Hi Rahul,
No, these are only basic checks; for missing dates, relation of delivery date and order date, or the sum of the percentages is 100%, etc.
Best regards,
2018 Apr 26 7:47 AM
Hi Andras,
ok, I will check Functional modules.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Rahul Shah