2013 Nov 21 2:42 AM
Hi all,
Lets say you have a promotion for multiple quantities, i.e. 3 for $1.00 or 2 for $5.00. How can that be handled in bonus buys? Would be the absolute discount bonus buy type? If so, where you enter the quantity?
We don't want to enter the price for quantity of 1, i.e. instead of 3 for $1.00, we can't enter $0.33/each. With this way, we could have incorrect values at the POS.
Thanks in advance,
2013 Nov 21 4:55 AM
Hi Deep,
You do not need Bonus buy for these kind of discount structure.
You can maintain the Scales for VKP0 condition where you can define different price for different set of quantities.
2013 Nov 21 5:16 AM
You make a valid point about doing this in VK11. Problem is we're using price families instead of generic articles. All articles in the price family will have the same retail price. In VKP5, you can do retail price calculation at the 'master article' (lead) level for the price family and all other articles in the price family get that retail price.
If I do the same thing in VK11 for the 'master article', the retail price of the other articles in price family do NOT get updated. We don't want to do retail price calculation 30 times, if there are 30 articles in the price family.
That's why I think I have do regular retail pricing in bonus buys for price for articles with multiple quantities (i.e. 3 for $1.00).
Looking forward to your input.
2013 Nov 21 6:45 AM
Need a little clarification from you.
Your scales example above, does it address multiple quantity issue? How would you handle 3 for $1.00?
In your example, you have scale qty = 2 and amount = $5.00. Doesn't that mean that if you buy two items, they're $5 each? Or does it mean that the two items total are for $5.00, i.e. $2.50 each?
2013 Nov 21 7:20 AM
Hi Deep,
Yes, you are right. The correct definition of scales will be like below:
For 1 -> 6.00 USD
For 2 onwards -> 2.50 USD
For 3 onwards -> 0.33 USD
When the Qty is 1, the price will 6.00 per EA. For qty 2, it will 2.50 per EA and so on.
2013 Nov 21 1:31 PM
Now, we have no choice but to house the deals with multiple quantity in Bonus Buys (i.e. 3 for $1.00). Do you know which specific bonus buy type in VBK1, this can be handled in? We will not be turning on RDMBBY01, as of now.
2013 Nov 21 3:49 PM
Hi Deep,
This will not be through Bonus buy but with Scales in VKP0 condition. Through Bonus buy need to build the logic. What I expressed above was through scales.