2016 May 18 7:19 AM
Good Day,
When trying to change a article status for an article in all sites it exists in through a mass transaction. All article/site combinations change except for 1.
I get the error below:
Articles were all status S (Selected) before and are now being changed to F (Range Collapse)
2016 May 18 6:58 PM
Hi Lindsay,
The screen grab you have given above does not show any error but those are warning messages. Is you article not updated due to those warning.
If possible, give us the screen shot of the long text for any one of the above warning to see detailed message.
It is very common and know that there are issues of performance or accuracy in mass maintenance of retail data. I would suggest to update the article separately and see what is the result.
There are many SAP notes (note 381942 for instance) on performance issue while extending or updating MARC.
We also in past raised few OSS messages to SAP for MARC issues.
I hope this information will help you.
2016 May 19 7:54 AM
Yes it is not updated due to the warnings.
Thank you I will read into the info.