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When does FM docs been issued ?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Gurus

I have been experienced in FM area just for a year. Until now, when an accounting document is issued, FM document is issued at the same time. but, today i found that fm document was not issued, eventhough an accounting doc was issued.

is that normal ?

when GI documents are issued against Consignment POs, no FM docs were issued but accounting documents were issued. is it right ?.

i am confused by this. pls explain whether this process is right or not.




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FM document is issued following normal accounting document if the FM address is the one which is relevant for FM document (commitment item should be of category 2 or 3). If in your situation, this is the case, you can try to reconstruct FM document via FMN0 transaction.

Whether or not FM document is issued with GR, it depends on the settings you made to your update profile. The same goes for logistic invoices (IR). You can set that the FM document is issued for either one of them or for both.



Former Member
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Hi Eli

Thanks to your advice, I understand that Commitment Items should be of category 2 or 3 for issuing FM documents. but still i can not understand what purpose FMN0 is used for ?.

I knew that FM documents were issued for ether one of GR and IR or both via OFUP. now we set for MM Invoice Receipt so FM document was not issued on GR.

Originally, when i set IMG at begining step of project, i have set for GR and INV rec. but i had error at IR step as below

-Error Mesage no : FMUP009


You are trying to reduce a GR line with an IR. However, the GR/IR account has an incorrect financial transaction '30'

instead of '40' in the commitment item.

at that time, Journal entries were as below that

GR : Inventory (FT 30) / GRIR Clearing (FT 40) ==> FM document was issued successfully

IR : GRIR Clearing (FT 40) / AP (FT 30) ==> Error

i have tried for finding solution but i didn't find it so, i set for MM invoice receipt after discussing it with customer.

do you have a advice for above ?

Still, i am wondering about conbination rule for CI category and financial transaction for clearing account , specially GR/IR clearing accounts ?


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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For GR/IR clearing account, you should use a commitment item with FT 40.

See the online help:


Kind regards
