2010 Nov 12 12:37 PM
Hi gurus,
I have the following problem: for 7FP, the Italian VAT is not eligible cost.
So I would like to split the amount of my costs item in the FI document in two rows: one for the eligible cost itself and the other one for VAT amount.
The VAT code has no GL account linked in customizing, because VAT is defined as "Non-ded.InputTax -RU".
Is there any way to split the amount in two rows with the GM derivation rules?
Or, if not, is there any user exit, BADI or similar to solve this issue?
Thanks and Regards
2010 Nov 12 1:32 PM
Eg you have posted 100EUR in P/L account, and you want to divide it into 80 consumed and 20 not relevant for budget, am I right?
2010 Nov 12 1:32 PM
Eg you have posted 100EUR in P/L account, and you want to divide it into 80 consumed and 20 not relevant for budget, am I right?
2010 Nov 12 1:38 PM
I want to divide 80 into consumed and 20 in another sponsored class or not relevant for the budget
Could you help me?
2010 Nov 12 2:11 PM
I don't think that it's possible to do in grant.
You can divide amount in FI manually, or develop mechanism in another way. Eg. you posted to Account1 Cost CenterA 100EUR, not relevant for GM. At period and distribute to Cost CenterB 80 EUR-relevent for GM.