2008 Dec 15 6:24 AM
How do we distribute budget from superior fund center to lower fund centers???
what customization settings are required for this.
If possible, please give sequence of steps involved to do this.
Thanks & Regards,
2009 Jan 02 10:48 PM
Hello Joyti,
The procedure to distribute budget from superior FC to subodinate FC's is:
1. Go to the Public Sector Management part of Customizing and choose Funds Management Government > Budget Control System (BCS) > Budgeting > Basic Settings > Definition of Budget Data > Budget Distribution > Execute Distribution Checks for Process.
2. In the Easy Access menu, access the Budgeting Workbench by choosing Accounting > Public Sector Management > Funds Management > Budgeting > Budget Control System (BCS) > Entry Documents > Budgeting Workbench and activate distribution there.
3. Enter a sender and its relevant receivers in the Budgeting Workbench either manually or using the mass selection tool in menu Extras > Select Master Data.
4. Save the document.
If you can not find the above menu paths in your system, that means you need to install Enahacement Package 3 (maybe 4).
2008 Dec 31 8:40 AM
Hi Jyoti,
In top-down budget assignment, you can display the available budget of a budget structure element and distribute this among the lower-level budget structure elements.
You specify the budget that is to be assigned to the budget structure element in question using an original budget for monetary budgets (i.e. a monetary amount, say, $ 110,000) or using a budget classification for FTE budgets (e.g. 1.5 full-time equivalents of a position in pay scale 12).
You define a budget for the top budget structure element. Before you assign budgets to lower-level budget structure elements, you can display how much of the budget you can still assign without exceeding the overall budget.
The system summarizes the budgets already assigned at the various levels of the budget hierarchy. Based on whether a budget is a monetary budget or FTE budget, the system displays the budget amount that can still be assigned for a budget structure element.
Steps for assigning budget
Access the overall budget using the Overall budget view.
Make sure that the budget status is Proposed.
Click on the top budget structure element, and choose .
Choose View->Original budget.
Hope this helps.
2009 Jan 02 10:48 PM
Hello Joyti,
The procedure to distribute budget from superior FC to subodinate FC's is:
1. Go to the Public Sector Management part of Customizing and choose Funds Management Government > Budget Control System (BCS) > Budgeting > Basic Settings > Definition of Budget Data > Budget Distribution > Execute Distribution Checks for Process.
2. In the Easy Access menu, access the Budgeting Workbench by choosing Accounting > Public Sector Management > Funds Management > Budgeting > Budget Control System (BCS) > Entry Documents > Budgeting Workbench and activate distribution there.
3. Enter a sender and its relevant receivers in the Budgeting Workbench either manually or using the mass selection tool in menu Extras > Select Master Data.
4. Save the document.
If you can not find the above menu paths in your system, that means you need to install Enahacement Package 3 (maybe 4).
2009 Jan 05 4:10 AM
Thanks Ming.. you are correct.. the node is not visible.. we need to install EHP 3/4 for this.