2014 Apr 16 10:10 AM
Good morning,
I have customized all "revenue increasing budget" and later on I have completed transaction code FMRBDERIROR with origen and destiny of the RIBS:
Commitemnt item (revenues)+ Fund center + Fund VS Commitment item (Expenses)+ Fund center + Fund
Through transaction code FMAVCR01 I can see all the flow of the revenues and I can see that there are amounts with status "payment".
However, when I run program FMMPRBB no information is found.
Any idea? please let me know.
2014 Apr 16 11:25 AM
You have first to make sure that payment transfer is duly registered for the revenue document, which is supposed to be the source of budget for your expense address.
2014 Apr 23 5:23 PM
OK, I am trying to get a report that can show me Revenues information as FMB_PL01 does for expenses. Finally throw transaction code FMB_B01 I can see that there that I have my "forecast of revenue", my "invoice" and my "payments" well postes (FM seems to post documents properly). Any idea about why FMMPRBB does not find any information?
2014 Apr 24 5:43 PM
RIB will not run without a RIB structure. In addition to maintain a drivation for RIB objects, you need to maintain calculation formula and a derivation for RIB rule. Then a RIB structure has to be generated by running FMRBGENMD. alternatively you can generate RIB structure mannualy based on budget address or posting address using transaction FMRBRULE.
2014 Apr 25 9:14 AM
Hello Minghong Ji,
Using FMRBDERIRO I have created my derivation rules (Fund center + Commitment item + Fund) and so on I have included a rule based on this.
When I run FMRBGENMD I get "Invalid RIB Rule: value SPACE for field activation status does not exit".
When I do it manually FMRBRULE I get no rule defined for the specific RIB object.
Of course I am doing something wrong but I do not get it. Whethwe you want I could paste some images,
Any idea?
2014 Apr 25 9:34 AM
Good morning again,
Through FMRBRULE I have created manually a single rule where I have fullfil same that as in the FMRBDERIRO but I cannot generate any RIBS.
2014 Apr 25 10:34 AM
OK. after introducing manually the budget address in the FMRBRULE the RIBs are working properly. Now my question is why they are generated automatically and which is the relation between the FMRBDERIVO and the rules in order to generate them automatically.
2014 Apr 28 1:26 PM
Hello Minghing Ji,
Please let me know which is the procedure to generate the rules automatically as I have been able to do it manually but not automatically. I get the error "invalid budget address".
2014 Apr 28 7:31 PM
Here is a simple setting just to demonstrate how it works:
I want my RIB objects be the same level of budget objects. In this case I do NOT need to create a derivation rule to derive RIB objects. Now, a simple rule to derive RIB rule can be like (source is revenue, target is expense):
Rule Value:
Generate RIB Rule - selection screen (the account assignment is the source in the derivation rule and you have to specify whether they are budget address or posting address or budget structure 😞
Result (2 rules generated based on the above derivation):
Hope this helps.