2007 Dec 10 9:21 AM
Hi SAPers,
My client needs to change the derivation rule for year end. For PR and PO reconstruction, i understand that we can use RFFMRP34N and RFFMRP02N.
What is the procedure to reconstruct FI document to update FM based on latest FMDERIVE? If i understand correctly on the message, we need to delete old dataset (RFFMDL02) and then run RFFMRP20, then finish by executing BPINDX03. Is my understanding correctly or is there any other thing that i need to check?
Thanks a lot for replying.
2007 Dec 10 1:24 PM
You can also use a different function; see in the customizing 'Derivation Strategy for Reassignment'. With this you can reassign you realistion figures based on a (new) derivation strategy.
2007 Dec 10 6:06 PM
Hello EG
The tools you should use are available in the IMG under:
Internal Data Transfer to Funds Management -> Subsequent Posting
There you can find the reconstruction tools for FI documents.
kind regards,
2008 Mar 03 1:10 PM
Hi Mar,
I tried to run the reconstruction under the subsequent posting, but, instead of assigning based on the new derivation rule, it still updates the old derivation rule.
2008 Mar 03 2:02 PM
Hi Mar,
I might be wrong, but if i only execute FMN0, the accounting document from GR of PO still goes to the commitment item on PO. Below is the steps that i performed:
1. Post PR, PO, GR using commitment item X.
2. Change the derivation rule to commitment item Y.
3. Delete Actual data using (RFFMDLFI).
4. Run Supplementary Account Assignment using FMCN, and convert it. This updated the commitment item Y in the GR document.
5. Run S_ALR_87012637 - Totals Records for FI Documents to see whether FMCN updates FM, and i can see that the GR document that i deleted still missing in FM.
6. Run FMBV, but report FMRP_RFFMAV01X - Annual Budget still does not show changes, and the document is still missing.
6. Run FMN0, and put the document number.
7. Run S_ALR_87012637 - Totals Records for FI Documents again, and the GR document is updated
8. Run report FMRP_RFFMAV01X - Annual Budget, but apparently, even though the commitment item has changed to Y, it updates at commitment item X.
9. Run FMBV again to reconstruct the assignment, and no changes.
Then i tried another way.
1. I deleted PO commitment data (RFFMDLOI).
2. I and reconstruct PO again using FMN4N.
3. I run FMN0 using the GR document as reference.
4. I run report FMRP_RFFMAV01X - Annual Budget, and i can see that the assignment is correct.
Did i miss something, or this is what we should do if we have FM data from GR or Invoice?
Thanks a lot for the explanation.
2008 Mar 03 4:10 PM
Hi CW,
What you describe is the standard behaviour: The FM account assignment is ussually inherited from one document to another within the MM document chain: PO->GR->IR. Otherwise, you might find that your commitment amounts are not correctly reduced and converted into actuals.
Should you nevertheless want the Derivation tool (FMDERIVE) to overwrite the commitment item when the Gr is posted (instead of being inherited from the predecessor PO), then you should take a look at note
923672 FM account assignment not inherited from PO, where it's stated:
"If you want to force FMDERIVE to be executed even for the
protected 'WRX' GR/IR clearing account lines, then create
parameter FLG_FMDERIVE_FORCE with the Active indicator turned on
in table FM01X using transaction SM31. After that the WRX line
will inherited the PO FM account assignment; however, FMDERIVE
will be called with a potential overwriting. Do NOT use this this
feature if you do not understand the consequences. "
Test this feature and see if it meets your business needs.
Best regards, Mar
2008 Mar 04 2:12 AM
Hi Mar,
Thanks for the explanation. Seems like the note is a bit risky to implement. Maybe it is safer to delete and reconstruct the PO and then reconstruct GR doc.
Thanks a lot!
2008 Oct 17 3:37 PM
Hi Mar,
My client business need that the derivation tool to overwrite the commitment item for the clearing accounts (operation WRX) instead of being inherited from the predecessor PO.
Therefore, as specified in sap note 923672, I activated the predelivered parameter FLG_FMDERIVE_FORCE in table FM01X. Unfortunately the results were not as I expected. Although it shows in the derivation trace that the commitment item is overwritten for the clearing account, this does not match with the FI doc.
Have you ever used this feature? Do you know why this is happening?
Best regards,