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Reassignment of commitment items & fund centers in open PR, PO & MIGO docs

Former Member
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We are using Fund Management (BCS) in our system since last one year. Now starting from next fiscal year ( 01.04.2009) we want to replace some of the existing fund centers and commitment items with either newly created fund centers & commitment items or existing ones. We will be changing FM derivation strategy too.

How should one go about it? Whats should be the strategy and procedure for replacing the commitment items & fund centers in open PR, POs & other open document. I know there is option of reassignment of fund centers and commitment items using reassignment derivation strategy. But I am not clear about the steps involved and strategy one should use while doing so.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Pawan,

I am not sure about what the best strategy is. As far as procedure concerns, I believe first you need to run RFFMCHAN to select the documents (PO, PR, etc) that you want to reassign FM account assignment. After that, you run RFFMCHAT to perform the reassignment. Both programs have detailed documentation that should be helpful to you.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello Pawan,

You can also combine reassignment with closing operations (Carryforward with reassignment)

Pls check the link, under 'Closing Operations -> Derivation Strategy for Reassignments with Closing Operations'

By doing so, you can carry forward for example open PO's assigned to given account assingment in 2008 to a new account assignment in 2009

Reassignment programs RFFMCHAN and RFFMCHAT are normally used when Wrongly assigned documents or changes in the responsibility areas of the functional assignment necessitate account assignment changes within the year, or when PSM-FM is implemented later than other components.

I hope this will help

Kind regards
