2015 Jun 03 5:53 PM
Dear Experts.
Is there some combination of code of "Financial transaction" + code of "Commitment Item Category" (both in FMCIA transaction) that I should to use for account G/L account of "Expenditures" WITHOUT to update standard tables PSM-FM (WITHOUT commitment the budget) and NOR create postings which contain this commitment in PSM-FM too?
Thank you a lot
2015 Jun 09 5:54 PM
Have you tried using Financial Transaction 60 in the commitment items on the Vendor and IVA lines?
2015 Jun 03 6:22 PM
If you use Financial Transaction Type 50 you can prevent all updates in FM. The Commitment Item Category is irrelevant. You can also use the statistical flag if you do not wish to consume budget.
2015 Jun 08 3:13 PM
Hi Shyam,
I have been using 50/3 for G/L account of "Expenditures" and the system has been updating standard tables PSM-FM correctly, but in same case when I use 50/3, the system has not been updating correctly. In attached the exemple, when I paid the invoice 1900000826, the system did not create the registers 0200 and 0250 with the same value of 0100 (with valeu 12,03). It created the 0200 and 0250 with the value 255,86 incorrectly.
But the note 1695556 - Main features of Customizing for online payment update say:
Commitment item categories: Assignment of financial transactions (via the commitment item) to the commitment item categories of document splitting is basically specified by SAP Note 1466979. However, a table is provided for orientation purposes. Variations from this must be tested particularly intensively. Financial transaction 50 is provided only for company-code clearing accounts and only in the Asset Accounting area. Use beyond this may cause incorrect payment conversions. However, if you are using financial transaction 50 for G/L accounts despite this, you must generally split the vendor and customer lines according to these G/L accounts. However, we cannot guarantee that everything will work.
Have you ever saw this problem?
Best regards
2015 Jun 03 7:09 PM
50 and 2 for revenues, 50 and 3 for expenses will work for you.
Amar Lal
2015 Jun 08 3:16 PM
Hi Amar,
I have been using 50/3 for G/L account of "Expenditures" and the system has been updating standard tables PSM-FM correctly, but in same case when I use 50/3, the system has not been updating correctly. In attached the exemple, when I paid the invoice 1900000826, the system did not create the registers 0200 and 0250 with the same value of 0100 (with valeu 12,03). It created the 0200 and 0250 with the value 255,86 incorrectly.
But the note 1695556 - Main features of Customizing for online payment update say:
Commitment item categories: Assignment of financial transactions (via the commitment item) to the commitment item categories of document splitting is basically specified by SAP Note 1466979. However, a table is provided for orientation purposes. Variations from this must be tested particularly intensively. Financial transaction 50 is provided only for company-code clearing accounts and only in the Asset Accounting area. Use beyond this may cause incorrect payment conversions. However, if you are using financial transaction 50 for G/L accounts despite this, you must generally split the vendor and customer lines according to these G/L accounts. However, we cannot guarantee that everything will work.
Have you ever saw this problem?
Best regards
2015 Jun 08 3:27 PM
Hi Claudio,
Combination of financial transaction and category has very important meaning in FM process. Some commitment items are supposed to be defined in certain way if you want to secure correct update of FM flows. So, you have to see your case in particular why you would need no update in FM tables. What is functional requirement behind this request?
Setting CI transaction to 50 will stop updating FMIFIIT/FMIOI tables, but it this aciton has it consequences. So, before giving you a right advice, you first need to elaborate on your functional requirement.
2015 Jun 08 6:10 PM
Hi Eli,
There are some G/L accounts that there is not need budget control and does need to be released in FM due to business requirement (Company), for example:
- G/L account of income (of my example 2111805): this account does not control the budget because the Company (Client) does not control the values of incomes.
- The business (Company) need just to control the budget G/L account of "Expenditures" that are of Management, so some G/L accounts of "Expenditures" have CI transaction to 50.
Thank you
2015 Jun 09 7:47 AM
For income accounts, you can define them as 30/2 and create a tolerance profile, which will exempt AVC on '2' category.
For expense accounts, which you want to exclude from AVC control, there are 3 options:
a) defining them with '50' under condition that these accounts are 'final' and don't participate in FM chain, e.g. payment transfer
b) defining them as 'statistical'
c) exempting them from AVC with tolerance profile
2015 Jun 09 2:01 PM
Hi Eli,
Thank you, but according for your answer in both case (for income and expense accounts) the FM´s postings will be create with 'statistical' right?
2015 Jun 09 2:19 PM
Only if you define your CI this way. There is no best practice for this... You can either define CI as statistical (you won't be able to post budget on it, unless it's also statistical) or exempt them from AVC by tolerance profiles.
2015 Jun 09 2:46 PM
Hi Eli,
Ok, with "tolerance profile" I can use to solve budget control, but FM´s postings always will be create and the users of Company do not want it (unfortunatly).
Thank you.
2015 Jun 09 2:50 PM
I don't understand this requirement. What do they care if FM posting is created or not? It is fully transparent to the users; how would they even know, without thorough analysis, if FM document is created or not?
2015 Jun 09 5:33 PM
Hi Eli,
For analysis of business, they want to see only posting that commitmented the budget. In these analyses, they don´t want see statistical postings.
2015 Jun 10 7:57 AM
Hi Claudio,
Still, don't get it... Where exactly these alleged postings could bother the users? In the reports? The relevant lines could be excluded in the reports? Elsewhere? Please, specify...
2015 Jun 09 5:54 PM
Have you tried using Financial Transaction 60 in the commitment items on the Vendor and IVA lines?
2015 Jun 09 6:39 PM
Hi Shyam,
The vendors are with 60/3 and the IVA lines are with 50/3 according to the note "1521778 - Online payment update: Tax with financial trans. 50"
2015 Jun 10 2:52 PM
Hi Eli,
The postings could bother the user, in reports, and in interfaces with others systems of environment (out Sap). But independent this, if I will use the "tolerance profiles" the system wont to do the check of budget, but will update the balance, no?
Best regards
2015 Jun 10 3:09 PM
Hi Claudio,
FM document is always created for combinations 30/2 and 30/3. Whether it consumes the budget or not, that's already another issue and will depend on the settings of update profle, tolerance profile, 'statistical' CI, etc. If by 'balance' you mean totals, then the answer is yes: it will be updated both in AVC ledger and in FM totals (FMIT). There are ways to skip updating AVC ledger, though. But, totals (FMIT) should be always in line with the documents (FMIOI/FMIFIIT).
I'm still puzzled that some of your interfaces could be impacted from creation of FM document, unless these interfaces are somehow linked to incremental monitoring of FM tables, which would be a bit strange. In any case, all these 'undesired' effects could be filtered out both from reports and from interfaces with simple variants.
Bottom line: certain FM process, like payment transfer or others, require creation of FM documents. So, you have to manoeuvre between this fact and a wish to skip FM documents creation.
I hope, it clarifies the issue...