2013 Jul 22 3:33 PM
We are running ECC 6.0 and are looking for a budget/actual report other than FMAVCR01. FMB_PT01 looks promising but the report excludes value type 66 - Profit Transfer Postings in the summary. How do I go about including this value type in the report?
Update: Looking at the text symbols in program RFFMREP_LDB_PT01, I see that symbols 001 - Budget, 004 - Invoice, 005 - Bud-Inv, 006 - Open Items and 007 - Residual Budget are present in the report. What I am looking for is symbol 002 - Payment.
2013 Jul 24 6:37 AM
Please check in OF39 the value type 66 . Check if it has been marked as statistical over there. If yes then it will not be shown in FM reports.
2013 Jul 24 11:29 PM
This program classifies commitment/actual into three categories: invoice, payment and open item. Value type 66 is included in the category payment. You can drill down to the line item to verify that.
BTW, this report is for PBET. If PBET is not turned on in your system, this report is not suitable.
2013 Jul 25 1:26 PM
Hi Ming,
That's what I thought, however the category payment is not one of the available fields for inclusion in the report. We are using update profile 000102 - "Payment budget; Invoice basis; posting date" which has encumbrance tracking for both the payment budget and commitment budget set to periodic based. I believe that means PBET is turned on. When I look at table FMUP01 under Update Profile 000102, both value types 54 and 66 have the same settings. I'm missing something. Also, I understand that value type 95 will not be included in this report so I will need to figure something else out for that.
2013 Jul 25 8:41 PM
Hi, Thomas,
Based on what you described, yes, PBET is on. With update profile 102 that report will lump value type 66 to invoice column (we are using 102 too and I verified it by drilling down in the invoice column).
Please compare update profile 101 with 102 in table FMUP01. With 101, VT54 - invoice is in the midle of the 'chain' (the reduction update indicator) while VT57 and 66 are both at the end of the 'chain'. With 102 VT 54 and 66 are both at the end of the 'chain', no payment update.