2007 Sep 21 11:33 AM
We are trying to make combined documents, for example funds commiment with the predecessors Precommitment and Reservation.
The problem is the amounts for example:
We create a fund commiment of 10 and the movements are:
Account Amount
0030 +20
0030 -20
0031 +10
0031 -10
0040 +20
0040 -10
0050 -10
I don´t undestand why the system when you create a fund commiment for example make a movement with amount type 0100 with sign + and other 0200 with sign - for predecessors Precommitment and Reservation.
We revised sap help but we don´t find information about it.
Thanks a lot
2007 Sep 21 3:07 PM
Hello Fran,
This is the normal behaviour within a document chain.
Amount type 0100 means the 'Original Amount' per document type.
Amount type 0200 means the 'Reductions' made to that document.
In a document chain, the precedessor document is reduced by the next document. This is necessary in order to make the Availability control works. The Availability control will collect all amount types (originalreductionsadjustments...) and will compare against available budget in order to raise the appropriate message (error, warning....)
You can find an example of a document chain in the attached link:
<a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_47x200/helpdata/en/8c/2e40e4380811d295750000e835339d/content.htm">Reducing earmarked funds</a>
I hope this helps
Best regards
2007 Sep 25 8:34 AM
Hi Mar,
Thanks for your answer, but I think is not the same case.
In your example, the first document is a Reservation and you make a reduction about the original amount.
In my case I start with a fund commiment and the system create the reservation and the funds precommiment automatically.
If I make a fund commiment of 10 I hope that the system create automatically a reservation and a fund precommiment of 10 and the system makes this movements:
Account Amount
0030 +20
0030 -20
0031 +10
0031 -10
0040 +20
0040 -10
0050 -10
Thanks a lot
2007 Sep 26 8:38 AM
Hello Fran,
yes, you are right. I assumed that your question was about reductions and entries in table FMIOI (amount types 0100 and 0200)
However, I have not enough info to explain the amounts in your G/L Accounts (0030,0031,0040 and 0050).
If you agree, I suggest you to close this thread and open a Customer (OSS) message so we can analyze the situation directly in your system.
Hope this is possible for you.
Best regards,