2011 Dec 22 1:56 PM
Dear All,
Could not find out a suitable solution after significant research, thus seeking the assistance of the experts here.
We have just gone live with Funds Management and we try to create the Invoice transaction MIRO for PRs created before FM was implemented. All the transactions have passed through but those with account assignment category <K> and item category <D> have stopped with the following error message
No commitment item entered in item 0000000002 1000 ABCDE
Message no. FI311
Some of the characteristics of the MIRO transactions in the system which might help us zero in on a solution are as follows:
1. All other account assignment categories (A,F,D,K etc) with <SPACE> item category have gone through => this error might be specific to <D> item categories i.e services.
2. The G/L ABCDE is a service clearing GL. All other clearing G/Ls have had succesful invoice verifications. There are assignments for all G/L codes too.
3. Today, we replicated the same scenario (PR -> PO -> MIGO -> MIRO) with the same delivery date, i.e 1st of June 2011, and the MIRO transaction was happening succesfully => possibly some table value is getting transferred into the MIRO document from the old PR settings, which did not have the funds management characteristics. (Just a guess though !!)
Note 1267998 was implemented (MM customisation, FMDERIVE, etc) and 572729 also, but of no avail.
Requesting the experts to provide with suggestions for the issue.
2011 Dec 23 9:38 PM
The commitment item for GR/IR clearing account needs to be 40. For GRIR process, system does not use FMDERIVE. It gets FM account assignment from PO line items. So, please check your service PO. Click on "Account Assignment" tab to see whether proper expense GL account and fund/FC/CI are assigned (the CI here needs to be a 30 type connected to the expense GL account).
2011 Dec 22 6:58 PM
Hi, did you try to trace derivation during miro?
Also is it's gr/ir account the you need to derive CI via gl account directly
2011 Dec 23 6:10 AM
Hi Aleksey,
I checked with the trace tool too..
The G.L account is 1212 and we have given a derivation strategy like 1000 to 2000, assign to FC1 and CI1...
And whats more, the trace shows that the FC and CI are getting picked along properly....
Thanks and Regards,
2011 Dec 23 8:32 AM
Hi, is this GR/IR account?If so then derivation for one doesn't work, you need to put CI in fs00
2011 Dec 23 10:05 AM
Dear Aleksey,
We tried a commitment item with Financial Transaction 40 (Post Goods Receipt, goods issue) instead of 30, and assigned it to the GR/IR clearing account, and as of now the document is getting posted properly.
I think we'll need a few testing before confirming if this is the right solution.
Thanks a lot for your inputs on the same.
2011 Dec 23 10:05 AM
For the particular clearing account, the commitment item type was changed to 40 from 30 in the financial transaction tab.
2011 Dec 23 10:23 AM
The change has still not worked and the error is the same still - "No commitment item entered in item 0000000002 1000 <ABCDE>". Think I have celebrated prematurely
2011 Dec 23 10:29 AM
'and as of now the document is getting posted properly.' , 'The change has still not worked and the error is the same still' so, what did you post befor? Did you solve this issue for one doc?
2011 Dec 23 6:52 PM
Hi Aleksey,
There was a change in the PO for which we did the MIRO. It was not a service PO but a material order, which were getting passed before.
For 'D' type items, (services), this error still persists. Sorry if my premature celebrations has left you confused !
2011 Dec 23 9:38 PM
The commitment item for GR/IR clearing account needs to be 40. For GRIR process, system does not use FMDERIVE. It gets FM account assignment from PO line items. So, please check your service PO. Click on "Account Assignment" tab to see whether proper expense GL account and fund/FC/CI are assigned (the CI here needs to be a 30 type connected to the expense GL account).
2011 Dec 24 6:50 AM
Dear Minghong Ji,
Thanks for your inputs !
I checked the PR and PO for the account assignments as you mentioned. The expense G/L in the PR has a valid 30 transaction type commitment item assigned to it. A few more pointers that might be of help are
1. We replicated the scenario by deactivating funds management and creating a PR/PO with the exact same characteristics of the problematic PR. We then activated Funds Management again and passed a Service Entry Sheet transaction and a MIRO - and this was getting processed properly ! Possible inference is that the account assignments from the PR and PO are proper.
2. We then testing the scenario again with the same characteristics - this time, we deactivated FM, created a PR/PO and an SES and then activated FM again and did the MIRO. This time, we got the error - "No commitment item entered in item 0000000002 1000 <1212>" - 1212 being the clearing G/L account. Possible inference - some characteristics of the Service entry sheet are different from the regular MIGO with regards to the FM process.
There is absolutely no problem with the material PR/PO/MIGO/MIRO process, but services where SES were raised before the FM go-live creates problems during MIRO.
The same error now appears during cancellation of those entry sheets created before FM installation
Edited by: Wellworthy on Dec 24, 2011 3:20 PM
2011 Dec 26 6:07 AM
Hi All,
We have kind of managed the issue using the FLG_SES_OVERWRITE flag in the FM01X table. The MIRO entries for the services are now allowed properly - but the nagging doubt is that if ML81N is getting passed through properly, why is that MIRO is an issue ? Given that they both followed the same account assignment characteristics.
Anyways, the issue is kinda settled as of now, so I think it sells Not closing the thread prematurely like last time though...
2011 Dec 29 6:04 PM
Hmm... the only difference I can think about is that service entry sheet (ML81N) allowes you to enter account assignment to overwrite what's on PO while with other item categories, you do not have this option. That means for service PO's, IR adopts account assignment from SES while for other item categories IR does it directly from PO's. In your scenario 1, you created SES after you converted PO's to FM and the SES adopted the account assignment from PO's. In your senario 2, you created SES when FM was not active and I believe they do not have account assignment. You can check this on SES through menu path Goto > Service > Account assignment, or click on the 'Account assignment' icon at the bottom.
2012 Jan 02 5:24 AM
Hi Ming,
Thanks for your inputs...
I checked the path you mentioned and found that the account assignment column was blank indeed !
It was a new learning that PO account assignments can be over-written in the case of SES....
No wonder the IR threw up errors given the absence of the account assignment elements....
Happy new year to all !!!!!
2012 Jan 04 10:01 AM