2017 Sep 07 4:13 PM
Hello, I had searched the forum to find an answer for this but with no success.
Is it possible to do multiple account assignment when the account assignment category and item category in PO is blank? We use blank account assignment for valuated stock purchases. When I click on the multiple account assignment, nothing happens. There's no configuration setting for blank account assignment in OME9. I also looked at the 496082 - FAQ: Account assignment in purchasing and didn't see it in there.
Thank you
2017 Sep 08 2:32 PM
2017 Sep 07 5:02 PM
blank accounting category means you purchase to fill up your warehouse stock, and this will use the automatic account determination to find its accounts.
How can one even think of doing multiple account assignment for stock items?
If you don't want the value go to your stock accounts then you have to use an account assignment category in your order.
If you want stock but no value then you need to use UNBW material type, whose nature is to post quantity into the warehouse while the value goes to cost accounts, and hence it will force you to enter an account assignment category.
2017 Sep 08 6:47 AM
If you are using account assignment category as blank, then account assignment tab will not be there in PO line item. So, you can't enter any account assignment details.
The question is why do you want to enter account assignment for valuate stock purchase. Are you looking for multiple inventory accounts for a single purchase?
2017 Sep 08 2:19 PM
This is a little bit different it's a EA-PS (Public Sector) so the users can enter account assignment (i.e. fund, fund center,etc) and they sometimes need to MAA to split the line to different funds, etc.
2017 Sep 08 2:27 PM
So is the question now just reduced to "tell me where the button is to get multiple account assignment"?
The is button is actually on first position in this account assignment tab.
2017 Sep 08 2:30 PM
Did you read my original question
"We use blank account assignment for valuated stock purchases. When I click on the multiple account assignment, nothing happens"
2017 Sep 08 2:34 PM
I missed to re-read it again after you told that you are doing public sector- I actually changed the tag now
2017 Sep 08 2:32 PM
2017 Sep 08 2:33 PM
Tag changed to public sector as your question is specific to that.
2017 Sep 08 2:40 PM
There is actually an older OSS note which seems to explain that Funds Management uses only single account assignment:
353135 - ME21N, ME51N, FM funds center funds reset