2015 Dec 01 9:03 PM
Hi Gurus
My requriment is about budget which can be possible entry month base. For example, i only want to entry budget for february. I defined 2 document types. one of these is budget ( B1 ) and the other is release ( R1 ). I entry budget for period 2 in FMBBC selecting budget. After that i went to FMMPRELE. I released 100 percent of budget for period 12 when i check total table FMAVCT i see budget only period 2. But when i post a document which has document date january in f-02 the AVC is working for january also. I want to the sytem control only february. Is it possible?? IS it possible If i use EXIT_SAPLFMFC_002 ???
Thank you very much
2015 Dec 02 5:45 AM
For periodic/monthly budgeting going with enhancements is not a good idea. Please see documentation of business function PSM_GEN_BUDPER_1 in SFW5. This business function lets you activate an additional FM assignment Budget period so you will need to work with Fund , Fund center and commitment items assignment to make it happen.
2015 Dec 02 5:45 AM
For periodic/monthly budgeting going with enhancements is not a good idea. Please see documentation of business function PSM_GEN_BUDPER_1 in SFW5. This business function lets you activate an additional FM assignment Budget period so you will need to work with Fund , Fund center and commitment items assignment to make it happen.
2015 Dec 02 6:32 AM
Hı Atıf
Thanks for your quick reply
You are tight. İ used budget period method and then derived from the posting dates to budget period. İ forgetten on my previous message that customer has 6.00 Apple. Is it possible in 6.00 als?
Thank you very much
2015 Dec 02 10:33 AM
No, only as from 6.04. As alternative, you can use any other available FM assignment, e.g. fund, funded program, etc. This object will represent 'month' in your FM assignment. Please, search SCN before posting as this issue has been discussed many times.
2015 Dec 02 11:21 AM
Please check which EA-PS version you are on . As a check if you are able to see PSM_GEN_BUDPER_1 in SFW5 then you should be able to activate it and explore it splendid functionality for periodic/monthly budgeting.
2015 Dec 02 11:44 AM
I thank you very much both of you. You helped me so much.
Thank you