2015 Dec 04 7:46 AM
I am working on proyect that involves a mass reclassification of functional areas in all documents affected.
For that purpose I am using tx FMCN + FMCT with a Z program that pulls all documents involved filtered by old FA.
So far I have tested the program with MM and SMR doc with success but when it comes to FI-CO documents, the
procedure changes de FA in the FI document but not in the CO document.
The two solutions I have come up with are:
1) Reclassify CO documents using KB61 wich involves making another Z.
2) Using the same Z I have now to process FI documents, on CO documents alone (some doc are changed others are not)
Please advice.
2015 Dec 04 10:34 AM
For changing FA in FI document, please, consult note 1921619 - Reassignment Documents: FKBER not Updated. As you can see, field FKBER is not updated in BSEG, but FKBER_LONG is. This last field is the one which is used in business flows.
For CO documents, I'm puzzled... But, do you have CO integrated in PSM-FM? If not, reassignment tool will have no impact on these documents.
2015 Dec 04 10:34 AM
For changing FA in FI document, please, consult note 1921619 - Reassignment Documents: FKBER not Updated. As you can see, field FKBER is not updated in BSEG, but FKBER_LONG is. This last field is the one which is used in business flows.
For CO documents, I'm puzzled... But, do you have CO integrated in PSM-FM? If not, reassignment tool will have no impact on these documents.
2015 Dec 04 1:58 PM
Thanks for your help, FKBER_LONG is the field I want to reclassify with a new Functional Area and that is working fine with tx FMCN-FMCT. My problem is that in a chain of documents, FI - CO - Budget Document, the FI doc and the Budget Document take the reassignement to the Functional Area but the CO document doesnt.
I do not have authorization to verify if the PMS-FM integration is active. I have send the inquire to propper deapartment. If the answer is yes, the PMS-FM is active, would there be another possible reasson as to why this CO documents are not affected by the reclassification?. I have exhausted all my options. This is my last hope before I tell the client that there is no inmediate solution.
Thanks again
2015 Dec 04 2:12 PM
In case that CO is not integrated in PMS-FM, is there anyway to reasign a new functional area to these CO documents as I do with all FI documents?
2015 Dec 04 2:20 PM
Reassignment is a tool of PSM-FM. So, if CO documents are not generating FM documents, then you cannot apply reassignment. I don't think there is a CO tool to make these corrections: you'll have to make CO postings.
2015 Dec 04 2:41 PM
Thanks again. We just verified and CO is integrated in PMS-FM. Any advice?
2015 Dec 04 2:48 PM
What does the output of FMCT show for these documents, then? Are they in the worklist? It would be useful if you provide an example: CO documents, its FM counterpart and the output for FMCT. Try using FMCB for this CO document and see if it's included in the worklist for reassignment.
2015 Dec 04 3:07 PM
When I run FMCN with a FI document, the tx takes the doc and shows the propper reassignment. Then I run tx FMCT and it works fine. Then when looking at th documents tha should have been affected, I see that the FI document and the FM document changed perfectly, but the CO document does not change, it keeps showing the old functional area. I have also processed MM and SMR documents with this transactions and they change fine. My ONLY frustrating problem is the CO documents. Please help.
2015 Dec 04 3:11 PM
2015 Dec 04 4:22 PM
That's a good question. When visualizing the FI document through FB03, the CO document is in the list of financial documents (FI / CO / FM) associated with that FI doc which tells me is a consecutive document, but I can't find the CO document in table COEP nor in table COBK.
2015 Dec 07 8:26 AM
If FB03 shows it to you, then it should be in COBK. Try introducing it via FMCB. But, if it's a consecutive document, then I doubt, that it'll work.
2015 Dec 10 6:26 PM
Nothing I have tryed through standard transactions seems to work. We are going to do the reassingment directly in the the CO tables through an ABAP development. Thanks for your assistance,