2012 Jul 17 9:48 AM
Hi FM expert.
Now I am using budget period to control month budget. I have activate budget period. But I don't konw how to define derivation rule for budget period. Would you please tell me? I want to use post date to deviate budeget period.
Thank you
2012 Jul 17 10:20 AM
If you want to use budget period object as month/period, you can derive Budget period objects based on posting date. For example:
Source objects are: FM Area, Company code, From Posting date To Posting Date
Target objects: Budget Period.
Hope this will to understand...
2012 Jul 17 10:20 AM
If you want to use budget period object as month/period, you can derive Budget period objects based on posting date. For example:
Source objects are: FM Area, Company code, From Posting date To Posting Date
Target objects: Budget Period.
Hope this will to understand...
2012 Jul 17 11:37 AM
Hi Rao
Thank you very much for your reply.
Do you means that I need to use Derivation Rule from field 'POSTING_DATE' to 'POSTING_DATE' with the T-CODE FMDERIVE. After that what shoule I set the posting date in the T-CODE FMDERIVER. Would you please tell me , Thank you very much.
2012 Jul 17 1:53 PM
Hi Sam
Yes correct, I am giving some example here;
Source fields: Target
FM area Company Code From Posting date To Posting date Budget Period
xxxx xxxxx 01.07.2012 31.07.2012 = BP April
If the document falls above posting date then system would derive BP April. Like that you can maintain remaining periods.
Hope now u r clear.
2012 Jul 17 2:06 PM
It's much more useful to develop a simple code, which will derive a month from posting date and store it in budget period. Otherwise, you'll have to maintain rules for every year and month: not very efficient.
2012 Jul 18 2:57 AM
Hi Eli
I have not done it before. Would you please tell me how to develop a simple code? Or where should I develop a simple code, I have searched the related documents, But I didn't found it. Thank you.
2012 Jul 18 8:56 AM
You have to define a rule of type 'enhancement'. It will take you to ABAP screen. Ask a help from your ABAPer to derive month from posting date and put it in budget period field.