2011 Feb 21 6:14 AM
Hi Experts. I am working my reports with library 4FM. I need to create a new basic key figures in order to create a new report with severals currencies, like group currency or transaction currency.
Does anyone know how to do that ?
2011 Feb 21 8:45 AM
It's not that simple. You'll have to modify control table (FMRBCS), or actually create your own via GRCT transaction. Then, you will have to create your own library and base it on this control table.
2011 Feb 21 8:45 AM
It's not that simple. You'll have to modify control table (FMRBCS), or actually create your own via GRCT transaction. Then, you will have to create your own library and base it on this control table.
2011 Feb 21 2:10 PM
Hi Eli. thanks for you help. I don't how to do that. May you be more especific?. May I modify table (FMRBCS) ?, if yes,what I need to do?
2011 Feb 21 3:02 PM
Hi Ruth,
Yes, you can (but, maybe, it would be better to create your own control table, though it's not mandatory). Via the transaction, I gave you, go to FMRBCS table and add basic key figures, based on HSLT field. Just copy HSLT and change the value field from HSL++ to TSL++ (for transaction currency) or to KSL++ (for group currency). Mind that reporting totals in transaction currency could be problematic.
2011 Feb 21 8:58 PM
Hi Eli, thanks again. I did everything you said to me. I'm getting my new report with both currency (local and transaction) but the group currency díd not work.
2011 Feb 22 8:12 AM
Hi Ruth,
What is your local currency and group currency? By 'don't work' do you mean that you have empty records?
2011 Feb 22 2:07 PM
Hi Eli. My local currency is PEN and my group currency is USD. We need to analyze our financial information in USD.
I made my report with 3 columns. the first column for local currency is showing us correct información. the second one is for transaction currency, it is ok too, but the last one, is for group currency, but we are getting empty records. I'm waiting for the same information that we are getting with transacction currency, because it´s the only one document that I have.
2011 Feb 22 2:54 PM
So, I see... I would open OSS message on this: maybe, it was not foreseen to fill these fields (KSL*) for FMRBCS structure.
2011 Feb 22 3:06 PM
Hello again,
Actually, I checked FMAVCT table (the one which serves a basis for FMRBCS control table) and there the group currency fields are not filled. So, it must be some design issue; maybe, AVC tables don't work with group currency.
2011 Feb 22 7:53 PM
Hi Eli, thanks a lot. What do you think ?. Should I open OSS message?. We really need group currency field with data.
Our company code currency is PEN so that our financial management (FM) area currency is PEN too (OSS note 356393). the problem is that we need financial information in USD, for that reason we need data on group currency in order to make a financial reports for making decisions.
Do you know about another solution, in case of we wouldn´t get a SAP solutions?
2011 Feb 23 8:44 AM
Well, you can always translate your reports in whatever currency you want, but, obviously, that would be just currency translation. Regarding group currency in FM table, I'd open OSS message; evidently, this functionality was foreseen, as the fields exist in the table, though empty.
2011 Feb 24 7:25 PM
Hi Eli, thanks a lot for you help and advice. I´m going to write my OSS message in order to get group currency information.
2011 Feb 25 8:34 AM
Hi Ruth,
Just to be sure, please, verify that in FMAVCT table, group currency fields are empty in your client.
2011 Feb 25 2:04 PM
Hi Eli. I checked FMAVCT table and group currency fields are completely empty in our client.
2011 Feb 25 2:29 PM
2011 Feb 25 3:10 PM
Actually, I did yesterday. But OSS is telling me that it is consulting issue.
2011 Feb 28 9:34 AM
How did you phrase the message? Did you mention adding a key figure? You should have told them that FMAVCT table has empty values for group currency fields...
2011 Mar 04 2:24 AM
Yes I did. they told me: "availability control only works with local currency. Transactional currencies are not supported in availability control (neither BCS nor Former Budgeting). The developer confirmed the information above. At this moment that thereare no plans to support transactional (non-local or non-FM area) currencies in BCS in a future release. I am really sorry, but I cannot provide you with a more positive answer,anyway, I propose you to refer to note 11. 11 Requested function is not in standard system. Note 11 will guide you to request the suggested changes, this is the correct channel and the chance to provide the requested functionality asstandard. Thank you very much for your understanding! "
I wrote them back and I said "we don´t need availability control in another currency, we only need that SAP add a key figures in FMAVCT table in order to have FM reports with different currencies"
Should I say another thing?
We are waiting for good news. will see.
Thanks a lot for you cooperation.
2011 Mar 04 3:49 PM
You'd better ask me something like this: "in FMAVCT table there are fields foreseen for the group and transactional currency. But only the fields for transactional currency are filled, while for the group currency are not. Is it normal behaviour and if yes, why the fields were created; could be that it's preparation for future development?"
2011 Mar 07 2:36 AM
Hi Eli. I sent them the question. As soon they write me something, I´ll tell you.
2011 Mar 07 11:23 AM
Hello Ruth and Eli
We have double-checked with our Development Support group (also before replying to your OSS message) and this is SAP answer:
Group currency fields are not supported in BCS tables. This includes tables FMBDT, FMAVCT and FMRBT. These tables are not classical FI-SL tables, which can be switched and changed by using the the FI-SL customizing. These tables must not be modified with transaction GCIN. These tables do not use the company code in the key and from BCS, we have written our own modules for updating these tables (they are not automatically updated from FI).
These fields were originally added to FMAVCT because by that time, it was unclear whether or not different currencies would be supported in BCS. It was finally decided not to support them, but the deletion of those fields afterwards became too risky (too late).
There are no plans to support such request in BCS. Sorry, this is not contained in the SAP Standard system.
Kind regards
Mar Novalbos
2011 Mar 07 11:52 AM
Thanks, Mar. I hoped that you would see this message and explain SAP position on this...
2011 Mar 07 4:40 PM
Hi Mar, thanks a lot for you explanation. This is bad news for us. Now, we don´t know how are we going to analyze financial information.
For legal requeriments the currency of company code need to be PEN so that, we defined the same currency in FM area, but we need to analyze actual and commitment information in USD. Maybe do you know another way to get it ?
thanks a lot
2011 Mar 10 11:44 AM
hello Ruth,
I am afraid you will need to use report painter / report writer...
Kind regards
2011 Mar 10 5:12 PM
Hi Mar. Actually, I´m using Report painter and Report Writer. For that reason I´m facing with this problem.
But I´m realising that I´m not going to obtain any solution for that problem, for all technical information that you gave me.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Ruth Herrera P.