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Help for Installing PHP and Sun One Web Server

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I tried to install PHP 5.1.4 and Sun One Web Server 6.1. I am not able to complete this and got stuck. All the available materials in net seems to flow above my head.

It will be very helpful if someone could let me know the step by step configuration a bit brief for the same.

Thanks in advance

Kathirvel Balakrishnan


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What's the problem?

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Hi Craig

I am following these steps,

1st step : Installing PHP on the WindowsNT server (NT users only)
Copy the php files on your server

Get the php zip file 
Copy the php files under a directory (for example : d:php4) 
(be careful don't use c:Program Filesphp because of the space between Program and Files 
copy php4ts.dll to c:winnt and msvcrt.dll if you don't already have it on your system 
Edit php.ini-dist 
rename php.ini-dist to php.ini 
Edit php.ini : Indicate in which directory you have copied youre php files. (extension_dir = d:php4extensions ; directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.) 

copy php.ini in winnt directory (php.ini is parsed in my config)
Matthias Kramer told me that he had to move php.ini to <path-to-netscape-server>/https-servername/config for it to be parsed 
Make a file association under Windows NT 
In a DOS Window, type assoc .php=PHPScript 
ftype PHPScript=d:php4php.exe %1 %* 

Test the 1st step 
Create a C:test.php file with a single line like <? echo("Nothing to write"); ?> 

Create a C:test.bat file with 2 lines test.php 

double-clic on test.bat 
If you see something like X-Powered-By: PHP/4.0.3 
Content-type: text/html 
Nothing to write 
then the NT association works!! 


2nd step : Configuring Netscape Enterprise Server or iPlanet for PHP4 with nsapi (NT & UNIX)
Unix users only
Compile PHP as follows: ./configure --with-nsapi=/usr/local/netscape/server4 --enable-libgcc 
make install 
Add LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<libdir> to your Netscape server startup script
where <libdir> is the full path to the directory where is located (usually /usr/local/lib) 

Add a mime-type to the Netscape Server
In the Netscape Administration console chose Preferences|Mime Types
Add a new type called magnus-internal/x-httpd-php for exts=php
Click here for screenshot 
Stop your Web Server 
Make a copy of obj.conf located in: <path-to-netscape-server>/https-servername/config 
Modify obj.conf 
There are several section in obj.conf

At the end of the Init section of obj.conf (necessarely after mime type init),
place this two lines For NT users 
Init fn="load-modules" funcs="php4_init,php4_close,php4_execute,php4_auth_trans" shlib="d:/php4/sapi/php4nsapi.dll" 
Init fn="php4_init" errorString="Failed to initialise PHP!" 
For Unix users 
Init fn="load-modules" funcs="php4_init,php4_close,php4_execute,php4_auth_trans" shlib="/usr/local/netscape/server4/bin/" 
Init fn="php4_init" errorString="Failed to initialise PHP!" 

In The < Object name="default" > section,
place this line (necessarely after all 'ObjectType' and before all 'AddLog' lines) Service fn="php4_execute" type="magnus-internal/x-httpd-php" 

Add a new object called x-httpd-php <Object name="x-httpd-php"> 
ObjectType fn="force-type" type="magnus-internal/x-httpd-php" 
Service fn=php4_execute 

Restart your Web Server 
Test the 2nd step 
Put the test.php file in the document root of your server

Then type http://server/test.php 
If you can see "nothing to write" in your browser then it works!

AS mentioned in step 1,

I am not getting the PHP message.

I am installing it in my laptop, it has no IP, is that has to do something with this.

Please guide me from here.

Thanks in advance


0 Kudos

Have you tried simply setting the PATH statement of the system to include PHP instead of just the file assoc.

@echo off


cd C:

php test.php

If that works then the problem is 100% your file association.

0 Kudos


you have no ip? what does that mean? you're simply offline or don't you even have a NIC (network card) or don't have TCP/IP configured?

What do you enter for 'server' then in the URI http://server/test.php? localhost?

Is your webserver running at all? http://server -> Welcome, blabla?

Have you turned on full reporting in php.ini (errors, warnings, info)? what does it say? 404? 500? 403?

Questions, questions, questions....


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Craig

Thanks for that information.

<?PHP echo("Nothing to write"); ?>

And added the messases you told, it gave me

<b>"Nothing to write"</b> in the console. I believe that solves my PHP problem.

But instead of <b>path=%path%;c:\php\</b> I set the same in the environmental variables.

Kindly help me to configure the Web Server for the same.



Message was edited by: Kathirvel Balakrishnan

0 Kudos

The <?php was the other item I thought you might need.

For the other half unless someone else jumps in you'll need to wait as I'm about to fly to Orlando for Sapphire. I'll try getting online over the weekend though and help you out!

0 Kudos

I take it that http://server comes up with the default webpage?

what happens when you run

// Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL

// Show just the module information.
// phpinfo(8) yields identical results.

In a test.php file in the root of the directory?

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Hi Craig

I tried to put the test.php in the root directory of my webserver. when i give this URL http://localhost/test.php, it shows a dialog box and asks me to <b>SAVE</b> or <b>OPEN</b>.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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that is indicative of your web server not knowing what to do with a PHP file. It looks like the server configuration itself is missing the PHP mapping.

This <a href="">PHP Sun One installation</a> external link 'may' help.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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This bit seems hidden in the text but is very important:

In the Netscape Enterprise Administration Server create a new mime type (Category: type, Content-Type: magnus-internal/x-httpd-php, File Suffix: php).

Former Member
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Hi John Astill

I too have all these links. Netscape? I think I have mentioned it already I not using that. I could download some configuration guides for the Sun One Server. I will try this and update this thread once it works.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Which operating system are you using? I will try to recreate the setup at home.


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Hi Aston

Windows Xp SP2, PHP5, Sub One Server 6.1



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I have made all the configuartion given in th guides. When I try to open the php file as,


I get the HTTP 500 error message



Former Member
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I could not configue for Sun Server

But this managed to help me for Apache

