2013 Jul 07 2:03 PM
We are using Funds Reservation at procurement process. The reservation is creating with reference to Fund center, Commitment Item, Material Group, Value and Quantity of material.
When we are creating PR, PO with reference to Funds Reservation Number, the AVC check is happening for value.
where is there any standard quantity check at PR/PO creation with reference to Qty defined in Funds Reservation. i.e. the system should warning/error message when user enters Quantity in PR more than quantity defined in Funds Reservation
Thanks in Advance
2013 Jul 13 5:54 PM
The control happens always on the amount level. However, the commitment reduction could be managed on the basis of a quantity. For example, PO with 5 units of 10$ each is reduced by a IR of 2 units with a price of 12$. If the commitment is managed on amount level the reduction would be 24, hence the rest of commitment would be 50-24=26. But, if the commitment is managed on quantity level, the reduction would be only 20 (2*10), and the commitment will remain on the level of 30. This is defined in the unit of measurement of the article in question.
I emphasize once more, though, that all the controls are happening on the amount level only.
2014 Jun 05 7:18 AM
Hi Eli,
Please confirm if this quantity control function is available in FM or not? I dont see anywhere in FM to configure item is control by quantity.
Thanks in advance!
2014 Jun 05 7:48 AM
As I mentioned above, FM control works on amount level only. Commitment reduction could be based on quantity level, but the control is applied only to amounts.