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Funds Management Issue not able to split PR/PO amount based fiscal year

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Experts,

We are implementing SAP Funds Management with BCS.

Business Scenario: Service Purchase requisitions and Purchase orders created for one year. beginning in current years and ending in next fiscal year. our company fiscal year is Jan to Dec. commitments in funds management are updated based on delivery date in current fiscal year only.

Requirement: Need to update funds commitment from PR or PO into respective fiscal years.


Fiscal year: Jan 2014 to Dec 2014

Service PR or PO created for -  April 2014 to March 2015

Value of PR or PO 12000 Rupees

commitment should update as follows; 2014 - Rs. 9000 and 2015 Rs. 3000

Please provide us solutions for above issue.

Thanks in advance for the support.


Active Contributor
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The only solution is to split PO in two lines: one for delivery in 2014 and another in 2015. Other solutions are not possible, even with a development, as the treatment of the commitment depends directly on how it is stored in FM and logistic tables.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Eli,

Thanks for your prompt support.

Business is not ready to spilt po line item into two. In services tab - under other we have from date and to date. is it possible to split amount based on this.

This is a basic requirement for any business. how others are working without this basic need.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos


No, I don't see any other possibility. That's the purpose of having commitments inscribed by delivery date: having the ability to split the amount in different FM fiscal years. But this split has to be made also in logistic documents, i.e. creating two different lines.



0 Kudos

Excuse me Venkata:

Fiscal year: Jan 2014 to Dec 2014

Service PR or PO created for -  April 2014 to March 2015

Value of PR or PO 12000 Rupees

commitment should update as follows; 2014 - Rs. 9000 and 2015 Rs. 3000

How do you think that system (SAP MM and SAP BCS) will update 9000 (year 2014) and 3000 (year 2015) ? That's impossible. Think about it.

You'll need two lines like Eli said.

That's the only way, and right one.
