2010 Nov 02 3:37 AM
Can we book commitment while making Quotation and Agreement. In our case commitment is booked at the time of making PO with the reference of quotation or agreement. but we need commitment to be booked at the time of quotation. can we do this. suggest
2010 Nov 02 11:01 AM
Hi, I don't think so.
But you can try to solve it in the next way:
While creating agreement - create Funds Commitment document(whick could be displayed in FMZ3). I believe it can be done via table TRWPR
2010 Nov 02 11:01 AM
Hi, I don't think so.
But you can try to solve it in the next way:
While creating agreement - create Funds Commitment document(whick could be displayed in FMZ3). I believe it can be done via table TRWPR
2010 Nov 03 11:38 AM
What Alex said is correct. You can generate commitment (if you are in 6.04) by BADI implementation, but agreement as such does not generate FM entry.