2010 Nov 12 11:07 AM
System allows me budget transfer form one FC to another even though transfer amount is more than available amount.
For FC A11000 and Commitment item (Fin. Trans Category 30) 410000 I have uploaded Rs. 1000/- budget. I tried to transfer Budget Rs 5000/- from FC A11000 Commitment item 410000 to FC B11000 commitmetn item 410000. ie
411000 B11000 Dr Rs 5000
411000 A11000 Cr Rs 5000
System allowd me to post docu,emt and report FMRP_RW_BUDCON shows budget -4000.
This is wrong. Suggest how to prevent this.
2010 Nov 12 11:26 AM
2010 Nov 12 11:32 AM
2010 Nov 12 2:57 PM
I think you need to Define Check Libraries for Budget Entry Documents.
Check here Public Sector Management-Funds Management Government-Budget Control System (BCS)-Budgeting-Control Budgeting Flow-Consistency Check
2010 Nov 15 11:04 AM
That's normal behaviour for the source budgetary address without any consumption. If you want to change it, follow the info in note 983853.
2011 Aug 18 5:07 PM
Hi Alex and Eli...
> That's normal behaviour for the source budgetary address without any consumption. If you want to change it, follow the info in note 983853.
> Regards,
> Eli
I cant understand why u said this is a normal behaviour ...
If we have Budget "A" for $100 and Actuals (consumptions) $0 so Available $100 ...
And someone made (by Tx FMBB) a transfer to another Budget "B" with Available $0
The system should not allow this behaviour ...
Budget "A" will show -$100 ... Available $100 (incorrect)
Budget "B" will show $100 ... Available $0 (correct)
On the other hand, I've already read the note 983853, and already apply it.
But... in the tx. FMCCA, consistency checks of budget addresses ...
If TRAN code is for "transfer budget" ...
If I use the Prerequisite Item in the text area I put:
Internal Budgeting Process = 'TRAN'
In the "Expert Mode" its:
It doesn't work !
I mean, I went to FMBB, made a transfer and nothing happend. (No check anything) Why?
Thank you very much for your help (and time).
Edited by: Osvaldo Lopez on Aug 18, 2011 1:08 PM
Expert mode code, added
2011 Aug 20 10:22 PM
Hi Osvaldo, the internal process is SEND
but anyway, you just have to activate the standard library to avoidnegative budget in the verification rule
Best regards
2011 Aug 23 12:48 PM
Hi Osvaldo, the internal process is SEND
> but anyway, you just have to activate the standard library to avoidnegative budget in the verification rule
> Best regards
> César
Thanks for the tip Cesar ... I'll try with SEND process. (update! works fine!) xD
I've already actived the standard library to avoid negative budget in the verification rule, but when u transfer the "exact" amount which is available to consume, that isn't negative budget., can u understand me? So the library doesn't work for this test.