2013 Jun 09 5:35 AM
Hi Guys:
I am facing an issue in HCM payroll posting. We have some employees whole salaries are to posted from Funded program, ignoring employee master cost center , i have updated relevant IO in Cost distribution info type of employee in PA30, I know from SAP help ( help.sap.com/saphelp_erp60_sp/helpdata/en/61/f2d2642db9e94dbd9c09439babcc72/content.htm )
that Funded program can be derived through FMDERIVE but here in my case i am unable to derive funded program in PC00_M99_CIPE despite of correct derivation rule.My derivation rule is Cost element + IO+ employee no= fund + fund Center + funded program + commitment item
From trace its deriving Fund , fund Center and commitment items but no funded program. Please guide.
2013 Jun 12 5:12 PM
Please show the log of the trace (click on 'display log' > click on the printer icon > expend ALL the highlithted rules) and try to analyze them.
2013 Jun 11 12:34 PM
You need to post the trace of the rule which derives the FP. From this picture we can tell the FP is not derived but. We don't know what rules are being called/ignored.
2013 Jun 12 5:12 PM
Please show the log of the trace (click on 'display log' > click on the printer icon > expend ALL the highlithted rules) and try to analyze them.
2013 Jun 12 6:03 PM
Hi Ming:
Thanks for your reply and showing another way to analyze Trace in detail . I learned from analysis that source field PERNER was not getting filled , so that is why funded program was not getting derived. There is an issue in BADI used by ABAPER to bring PERNER in FMDERIVE.
Thank you for your input.