2013 Jun 19 7:09 AM
While creation of PO, fund center is not capturing.
I have maintain fund center in FMDERIVATE transaction code against that user id.
Previously it was working but suddenly it is not working.
Please help me to resolve this issue.
Mahendra Gupta
2013 Jun 19 8:09 AM
Set a trace in FMDERIVE and post your PO: you will see directly why your rule is not working.
2013 Jun 19 8:09 AM
Set a trace in FMDERIVE and post your PO: you will see directly why your rule is not working.
2013 Jun 26 2:18 PM
I tried to trace through FMDERIVE but when I display log then system is deriving following details:-
On the basis of material type commitement item and fund is deriving.
I have maintain fund center on the basis of user id hence fund center is not capturing in trace and I am getting "Derivation not performed. Reason:" message in trace.
Please help me to resolve this issue.
Mahendra Gupta
2013 Jun 26 2:55 PM
Well, if derivation is not performed, then the condition is not fulfilled. When you set a trace you have a pop up with all incoming parameters: you'll be able to see if the parameters set in this rule are duly filled or not.
2013 Jun 26 6:50 PM
You should ask the person with that user id to test it or set a FC against your own user id in FMDERIVE so that you can test it.
2013 Jun 27 5:59 AM
I have maintain FC against my user ID only, then also it is not working.
Mahendra Gupta
2013 Jun 28 5:35 AM
Anybody knows the solution?
How can I capture Fund Center in purchase irder?
Mahendra Gupta
2013 Jun 28 6:42 AM
Please change the derivation rule if possible Map your fund center against the cost center if using it or else against commitment item or Company Code or plant or WBS element.
Avoid using ID rule and check the same.
Siddharth Khandelwal
2013 Jun 28 5:56 PM
User id is not a standard source field. Why don't you share with us the screen shot of that rule?
2013 Jul 01 6:16 AM
I have maintained my user ID CAPFIMAHE in below screen shot as temporary feild.
Please guide me, where I can maintain standard source feild.
Mahendra Gupta
2013 Jul 01 9:39 PM
That field is NOT userid. It is a temporary field. You have to have a mechanism to fill it before you can use the field as a source field.
2013 Jul 02 6:12 AM
I cant understand whatever u mentioned in above conversation.
Can you explain me, that where can I maintained user id?
Mahendra Gupta
2013 Jul 02 7:16 AM
SAP standard derivation rules are given as
If you want to create a new Source field (in your case its Employee ID) then you have to create a Customer Exit by Enhancement so as to derive a Fund Center from ID.
Please refer the following link for the further clarification :
Hope I could be some help to you!
Siddharth Khandelwal
2013 Jul 03 8:01 PM
I cannot think of a way to add User id as a derivation source field. The standard user exit for adding extra fields are for any field in structure COBL. User id (USNAM) is not a field in COBL.
2013 Jun 19 7:53 PM
Hi ,
Please check your Account assignment category.If its 'K' then map cost center to fund center. If another category is being used the please check in t-code FMDERIVATIONANALYSIS it will analyse derivation being used for the account assignment element in PO.
Also put a trace by FMDERIVE to know which account assignment elements are getting derived.