2014 Aug 20 12:55 PM
In my System, i have configured;
Fund Center is Derived from the Cost Center
Commitment Item derived from the GL Master..
Now, I parked one document with CC = A.. So system derived FC as = A.
Now or later, at the time of posting, if i change CC into B, then Fund Center is still remain as A and not getting Changed,,
Is this a Standard behavior of SAP or is there any workaround for this Scenario..
Kindly Suggest,..
2014 Aug 21 7:13 AM
Hi Shinas
In FM Derivation, near to Target field selection you can see "details" button.
Set to "overwrite with new values".
This will solve your issue
Your friend Sunoj
2014 Aug 21 3:04 PM
Hi Sunoj Sir,
Thanks for the valuable Inputs...
Its Correct, In detail tab we have option to Change.Overwrite. I missed it....
Thanks Sir..
Also, i got the FOLLOWING note. JUST SHARING FOR ALL...
SAP Note: 658163.
You did not set a definite assignment of the FM account assignment derivation in the Customizing.
Thanks Sir.