2014 Apr 14 3:04 PM
I have done a carry forward FMJ2 and everything works perfectly. However the client let me know that they also want the budget line associated to the commitments to be carry forwarded.
When I try that, the system gives me error FMAVC005.
In "Define basic stting for carry forward" I have "Carry forward with document chain".
In "Enter default settings" I have flaged "Carry forward budget for commitement allowed" and also the other 2 (Commitemnt and residual).
Any idea about this topic.
Please let me know.
2014 Apr 14 3:48 PM
Are you working with budget release? If yes, you have to use a special budget type for carry-forward documents; the one which would allow automatic release of the budget.
2014 Apr 14 3:48 PM
Are you working with budget release? If yes, you have to use a special budget type for carry-forward documents; the one which would allow automatic release of the budget.
2014 Apr 14 4:17 PM
Hi Eli,
Nice to meet you. During those days I have been reading other discussions in which you are involved. Thank you already for that.
OK. Budget types I am using have "Carry Forward Send" and "Recev" selected. FMBOSTAT "Status-Budget Address" is opened. Moreover take into account that a carry forward of my reserve is done perfectly whether there is already budget in the following year.
Any idea .....? I have checking it, but no clue.
Please let me know.
2014 Apr 15 8:18 AM
Hi Daniel,
But I still didn't understand: do you work with budget release or not? Thanks for clarifying...
2014 Apr 15 8:50 AM
Eli, we are not working with budget release.
Minghong Ji, Budget carryforward is activated for sender year in my FM company for all value types. In "Define budget entry for commitment carryforward" is also complete for sender year.
I would like to focus on that the carry forward seems to be OK, as for the commitment works properly. The problem is the budget line associated.
2014 Apr 15 9:00 AM
Can you try executing FMJ2 with option 'Update without check' and see if you succeed?
2014 Apr 15 9:04 AM
Without check (Availability control) I get status OK (Test run). I guess that the budget lines will not be carryforward.
2014 Apr 15 9:08 AM
2014 Apr 15 9:26 AM
I have tried.
Yes, the carryforward has been carried out without error, but now in the following year I have a negative budget (Available amount negative) as the budget line has not been addressed.
Any idea?
2014 Apr 15 9:40 AM
I don't quite understand. Budget document was not created? If not, please send screenshots for configuration you have done here;
* Closing Operations - Enter default settings
* Closing Operations for Budget Control System (BCS) - Activate Budget Carryforward for Commitment
* Closing Operations for Budget Control System (BCS) - Define Budget Entry Documents for Commitment Carryforward
I trust you work with BCS budget. Please, confirm...
2014 Apr 15 10:22 AM
Avalability control is activated and I ma working with BCS Budget.
In 2013 I have introduce my budget FMBB (Budget line). Then I have created a reserve agaisnt this budget line.
When I try to do the carry forward the budget line is not carry forward and so the reserve in 2014 is trying to consume a budget line that do not exist.
Please find a document with the images of the customizng and the 4th one with the result of the budget in 2014 but without the availability control (I get a negative ammount).
2014 Apr 15 10:25 AM
Can you try and reconstruct AVC via FMAVREINIT? Also, can you check in FMBH table if budget document was created nevertheless?
2014 Apr 15 4:01 PM
Hello Eli,
I have run FMAVREINIT for both control ledgers. Adjustments have been done with sucess.
When I execute again the FMJ2, the error is the same. No money enough in 2014.
In table FMBH there is no data budget document in 2014 after the carryforward I have carry out before.
2014 Apr 16 11:23 AM
In the first screenshot (IMG: Activate Budget Carryforward for Commitment), where you define flag for budget carry-forward, please distinguish between value types and enter the budget category. E.g. create a row with value type 'commitments' and budget category '9G'.
2014 Apr 23 3:46 PM
Hello Eli,
That was the point. Now the carry forward works. However I am getting the warning fmavc007. I think it is related to tolerances. Any idea? Thanks.
2014 Apr 23 3:57 PM
Warnings could happen depends on the strictness of AVC logic that you have applied. The most important thing, do you have budgetary documents created now? If yes, then consider the issue as closed.
2014 Apr 14 6:13 PM
Have you also made the settings under Closing operations -> Closing operation for BCS -> Activate budget carryforward for commitment, and Define budget entry documents for commitment carryforward?