2014 Nov 13 4:56 PM
Does some one know if there is a conflict between Funds Management activation and SAP for Aerospace & Defense (SAP for A&D) industry - Discrete Industries and Mill Products?
I will "Activate Business Functions" for EA-PS - Public Services in order to configure FM module . But I would like to know this first.
Thanks a lot!
2014 Nov 14 8:00 AM
Hello Adriana,
Why would it be? PSM-FM is a core business module and is integrated without any restrictions.
2014 Nov 14 8:15 AM
in the second screenshot, check the relevant business function at the highlighted top.
2014 Nov 14 8:57 AM
yes you can activate without any issue this is a difference business function available in SAP.
This is for budget tracking planning and actual, you can integrate with different modules.