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FM account reassignment (FMCB, FMCT) and RIB

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello experts,

we're currently working on a scenario that mixes FM account reassignment and revenues increasing budget. It's basically what is described in OSS note 872221 (RFFMCHAB and RFFMCHAT with RIB active).

Here's what we do:

1. We have some open customer items (FI-AR) that originate from acceptance requests (via F881) that haven't been cleared yet.

2. We use RFFMUD11 (transaction code FMIC) to generate RIB documents, thus using the customer items' FM account assignment as sender account assignment (= revenue account assignment) for RIB, and we have of course a rule set up that links this account assignment to a corresponding receiving account assignment (= expenditure account assignment).

3. Now, we use RFFMCHAB (FMCB) and RFFMCHAT (FMCT) to reassign the original open customer items to another FM account assignment. Specifically, we modify the FUND assignment.

This all works fine up to a certain point:

- The FM account reassignment for the FI documents representing the customer line items works.

- The system even changes the FM account assignment for the SENDER assignment in the RIB documents (e.g. table FMUDBSEG(H))

HOWEVER: What doesn't change is the RECEIVER FM account assignment (expenditure account assignment) in the RIB documents.

Otherwise put:

- We have an open customer item with the following FM account assignment:

Commitment item: RC01

Funds center: RFC01

Fund: F01

We have a RIB rule that links the above revenue account assignment to the following expenditure account assignment: (EC01, EFC01, F01)

So when we execute FMIC, we create a RIB document that would use revenue from (RC01, RFC01, RF01) to increase budget on (EC01, EFC01, F01).

Now, we run FMCB and FMCT to reassign the open customer items to another fund. This means:

(RC01, RFC01, F01) --> (RC01, RFC01, F02)

As I said, this works fine on the documents themselves, and on the SENDER part of the RIB documents.

Meaning: We have now an RIB document that uses (RC01, RFC01, F02) revenues to increase (EC01, EFC01, F01). But what we would like to have is (EC01, EFC01, F02) as the account assignment that is increased.

Reading OSS note 872221 led me to believe that this should actually be the case. But I am not so sure about this any more. Does anyone here know if this is possible at all ? (Meaning that FMCT does not only apply the account reassignment to the sender part that comes from the original FI document, but also to the receiver part, that comes from the RIB rule)?

On a technical note, we're running ECC 5.0 with EA-PS 5.00, SP level SAPKGPPC07.

I know this is a very specific question and probably hard to understand, so that's why I would really appreciate any help at all.

Thanks in advance,



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Steve,

Did you check already note 1046252? This will ensure that the RIB updates occurs.

Let me know your comments and results.

Best Regards,

Vanessa Barth.