2008 Dec 24 1:09 AM
I am trying to find a way to get the clearing document for an invoice. I can get the PR, PO, GR, and IR for a given purchase, I am just having an issue linking any data from the previous to the clearing document. Ultimately I am interested in finding out when the Invoice was paid via the tables. Can anyone shed some light or point me in the right direction? I have tried querying BSEG, but this times out. I have also tried to find linking information in BSAK, but I have been unable. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
2008 Dec 24 9:15 AM
If you want to do so via quieries, then you are in the right direction. If the invoice is not cleared it will be in BSIK, if yes - in BSAK (search the invoice in BELNR field, and the value in AUGBL will be the clearing document). In SAP interface, you can view the Document relationship browser and find if the document was paid via this functionality.
2008 Dec 24 2:08 PM
Thank you for your response. Just to clarify, if I take the invoice value from RBKP and use that to query BSAK, it should return the clearing document in AUGBL if the invoice has been paid?
2009 May 01 5:42 PM
From a functional perspective, you can also get the clearing document by using FBL3N (GL Line Item Display) and restrict your search to the document type for invoices in dynamic selections. Using the posting date you can limit the amount of data to prevent the timing out issue. The clearing document field and clearing date can then be added to the line item display.
If you are looking for just one clearing document for just one invoice, then why not just display the invoice document in FB03 and double click on the vendor account line to see the clearing document and date.
On the more techincal side, the fields you are interested in are in fact AUGBL (clearing document) and AUGDT (clearing date) in cluster table BSEG.