2011 Mar 08 2:42 PM
Hi all,
we have the requirement to extend FMMEASURE with a field, that acts as a flag for the relevance for the export to the Business Information Warehouse - System.
In the SAP Documentation it's mentioned to realize extensions in PSM-FM with Business Data Toolset (BDT).
I already extended the table FMMEASURE in the dictionary with an append structure.
But how can I add the new fields to the maintenance dialogue of the funded program?
Best regards,
2011 Mar 09 3:47 PM
Hi. Go to BUS0, object FMME, and see all corresponding tcodes, which needs you to create field and screen, then run BUSP to generate it.
2011 Mar 11 12:59 PM
thank you, your answer almost solved my problem.
I had to perform the following steps:
SE16 - create append-structure
FMME2 - create fieldgroup, assign field to fieldgroup
FMME3 - create view, add a field to a screen of SAPLFMME (Button Screenpainter), assign fieldgroup to view
FMME4 - assign view to section
FMME11 - assign Dynprofields -> DBfields
BUSP - generate
Now I can see my additional field (a checkbox) on the maintenance screen of the funded program.
But if I only change the checkbox an save then, it doesn't realize the change.
If I edit another field, it works fine. When the field is once set correctly, it gets also displayed as it schould.
The SQL-Trace says, it doesn't check for changes in fields added by customers.
Do you have any idea how to make the maintenance program checking for changes in fields added by customers?
Best regards,
2011 Mar 11 2:16 PM
Hi, I'm not good with abap, but as for me you need to maintain FMs in FMME3 to 'save' this field. You can use Enhancement Spot BAPI_0038
2011 Mar 16 1:56 PM
I solved my problem.
The solution was to check the box "Data Screen" in the screen configuration in FMME3.
Now it works fine. Thank you.
Best Regards,