2010 Dec 07 12:46 AM
Hello All,
I'm reviewing the usage of Expenditure Certification in my Agency's sandbox system. One element I'm having trouble with is the Operation master data. Portal is to be used to maintain the Operation and Financing Source. However, our sandbox system is on a different network than our Portal system.
Does anyone know of a way to create the master data using the SAPGUI rather than Portal?
Thank you in advance,
2011 Jan 18 3:36 PM
Hi Matthew,
we developed several custom programs for creating master data (Financing Sources, Operations and links between the two).
2010 Dec 07 7:44 AM
Hi, I'm not sure that this question is suitable for Public Sector forum
2010 Dec 07 3:19 PM
Hi Alex,
Expenditure Certification is a new subcomponent of PSM and included in ECC 6.0 EhP 3. It's purpose is to assist in review of grant expenditures.
I'm looking for any T-Codes that would allow for creating the master data relevant to this component rather than using the Portal functions. I have a feeling that a custom program would need to be written using the function modules but I'm hoping there may be a standard.
Edited by: Matthew Hanson on Dec 7, 2010 7:19 AM
2010 Dec 07 4:27 PM
2010 Dec 08 4:03 PM
I couldn't find a BAPI that addressed the component. I have a feeling that a BAPI hasn't been developed yet because the function is so new. I've briefly checked the function modules, but there are so many it may take a while. Do you know of any specific FMs that are for Expenditure Certification.
Thank you for your advice, Alex!
2010 Dec 08 5:34 PM
Hi,then I can't help (Sure that you searched in IMG-Public Sector Management ® Expenditure Certification ® Define Time Slices and Patterns and Define Financing Source Type)
2011 Jan 18 3:36 PM
Hi Matthew,
we developed several custom programs for creating master data (Financing Sources, Operations and links between the two).