2012 Nov 21 12:51 PM
I have assigned 2 company codes to same FM area and now i want to delete one of those assignment but following error is coming.
Various FM areas are assigned to controlling area 1000
Message no. F6097
If one of the account assignment elements fund, functional area or grant was activated in Customizing of Public Sector Management, all company codes of a controlling area must be assigned to one FM area.
A number of company codes are assigned to the controlling area &V1&. The same FM area is not assigned to these company codes.
Either deactivate the account assignment elements fund, functional area, and grant under LS>Basic Settings -> Activate Account Assignment Elements in the IMG for Public Sector Management. Or assign the same FM area to all company codes in the IMG Company Structure under Assignment -> Financial Accounting -> Company Code - Assign FM Area.
No master data was posted by me but the company codes i have assigned FM area have already got master data as they are copy of PRD company codes. However there are some steps done by me which i have reversed before attempting to remove FM area.
These are -activate global funds, -activate account assignment elements, -assign fiscal year variant to FM area.
My management wants that i work on only one company code lately.
So how can i remove that assignment of FM area to that company code because after removing once i save; the above mentioned error takes place.
Secondly, if i kept this unwanted assignment of company code to FM area and keep working on other company code then at what point it starts impacting wrongly assigned company code; actually that company code we used for co testing so we don't want to impact its postings.
Kindly Guide me.
2012 Nov 22 1:25 AM
This basically says that if your Company Codes are assigned to a Controlling Area, and if the functional area, fund, or grant is activated, then all company codes must be assigned to the same FM Area. You either need to deactivate the fund, functional area and grant activation and delete the assignment, or you need to remove the Company Code from the Controlling Area assignment.
The code for this check is in program L0F59F01, Form FM_CHECK_KOKRS_FIKRS.
Hope this helps.
2012 Nov 22 1:25 AM
This basically says that if your Company Codes are assigned to a Controlling Area, and if the functional area, fund, or grant is activated, then all company codes must be assigned to the same FM Area. You either need to deactivate the fund, functional area and grant activation and delete the assignment, or you need to remove the Company Code from the Controlling Area assignment.
The code for this check is in program L0F59F01, Form FM_CHECK_KOKRS_FIKRS.
Hope this helps.
2012 Nov 22 5:06 AM
Todd barber;
Thanks for giving time. The first thing you tell is to deactivate the FM account assignment elements before attempting to remove FM area from company code. I have already tried this one, it doesn't solve same error.
The second thing you tell is to remove the Company Code from the Controlling Area assignment before attempting to remove FM area. I have some reservations kindly guide me on this. If i remove the company code from controlling area before removing FM area from company code and after removing the FM area again assign the same controlling to company code does that make any inconsistencies and what are possible implications of this.
Waiting for your valuable reply.
2012 Nov 22 7:57 AM
YUPPY. Issue resolved by myself if you have to delete that assignment of FM AREA to company code you have to go to global parameters of company code and remove the assignment there, it will not allow you if you try to remove that assignment in enterprise structure----assignment-----assign fm area to company code.
Thanks Todd barber anyways for participating no need to remove controlling area from company code and also it will not allow you to remove if you have transaction and master data in your company code.
Best regards