2016 Jul 29 7:43 PM
Hi all,
I set the "FM" for the availability control does not act on revenue (Funds Center 30/2), but only on expense accounts (Commitment Item 30/3).
Even without availability control inactive for revenues, it was made annual budget for these, for comparison between the budgeted and actual.
The planning was done by FMPLUP transaction.
Example: In the file loaded in the system the costs are expressed in valore:
• Revenue: 100.00
• Expenses -100.00.
It happens that, in the monthly closing in FI, when running RFSUMB00 program produces errors saying that the budget revenue account has been exceeded by an amount which is the sum of the total budget with the amount of revenues actually earned.
Because this error message may appear is if availability control is not configured to track revenue.
I may have forgotten some configuration so that revenues are invisible to control availability/
Or is it a program error?
Is there any note?
Thanks a lot
2016 Aug 01 8:56 AM
When you say that you didn't apply AVC on revenue items, what do you mean exactly? What kind of technique did you apply? Tolerance profiles?
2016 Aug 01 7:26 AM
Hi Andre,
if you have a Fm documents revenues are generated on the basis of FI documents, that you need to use commitment items with attribute "Statistical commitment item".
2016 Aug 03 8:57 PM
2016 Aug 01 8:56 AM
When you say that you didn't apply AVC on revenue items, what do you mean exactly? What kind of technique did you apply? Tolerance profiles?
2016 Aug 01 2:05 PM
Hi Ely.
I configurated the tolerance profiles only for expanses.
There are no rules for revenues.
Yesterday i recreated the configuration in the development environment.
I was using three lines with "++" for (50% - INFORMATION, 75% - warning and 100% - error) Now i stplited the others aplications components (++, 10, 15, 20,30, 40,60,70,80,90,95,) ande generated various lines.
After i did a test and it's worked well.
Today, both i and the user will do a new test on the quality environment
As soon as possible i will let you know the result.
Jorge André
2016 Aug 01 2:08 PM
You should define a tolerance profile with 999% and create a rule, which will derive it based on POTYP field (='2'), which would mean revenue item.
2016 Aug 03 8:56 PM
Eli and Sergey,
I want to thank you two.
After several tries I solved the problem using the last Eli' orientations.
Now it's working well.
Best regards
Jorge André