2009 May 16 10:59 AM
Dear all,
How we can deactivate the funds management integration with Travel management.
Thanks in Advance.
2009 May 19 4:52 AM
I think you can try this.
1. Make the commitment item of GL travel management not update to FM. Creating it with fin.transac 50 and category 3
2. Unassigned value type 52 from override update profile
2009 May 19 6:14 AM
Hi Dewi
Thanks for your information. Regarding changing the Commitment item in GL. This is not possible because these GL accounts will be controlled when the travel expenses reaches HR payrol module. We have integrated Travel management to HR Module and HR module is integrated with FM Module.
How to use "Override update profile" with value type 52? Is it by selecting the field "Statistical Update".
Awaiting your reply.
Thanks and Regards,
2009 May 19 6:33 AM
I think so,
it means update to FM without assigned budget (without availability control)
2009 May 19 6:15 AM
IMG: Public Sector Management>Funds Management Government>Actual and Commitment Update/Integration>Integration>Integration with Human Resources (HR)>Define Start Date for HR Integration (Scenario 2). To deactivate delete the start date from last column.
2009 Jun 02 10:45 PM
Dear RK,
Please try the following.
You could create a new derivation rule in FM (transaction FMDERIVE) that includes a condition like business transaction TRANSAC = TVRL.
In this case this rule would only be used for travel and shouldn't impact for example MM.
You can change the commitment item already assigned to one created as statistical (within transaction FMCIA). You can also specify in this rule that even if there is a value already available for the field commitment item (which is provided by the rule) a manual entry could overwrite this value (or not), in case a different commitment item is needed at some other time.
Though in this case the rule should only affect the business transaction for travelling, to be in the safe side you should create it after rules that have already checked commitment item because the order of the rules is important in order to derive the data. The system checks all the rules from top to down.
In this example, the posting will be done in PSM-FM but no budget will be consumed. Therefore you will have in the history the same and can compare reports of FI, CO, TM and FM.
I hope it helps you.
Kind Regards,