2010 Dec 21 9:44 AM
Hello All
Seasons greetings to all of you..
We have year dependent Fund Centers valid only for 2010...We want to copy the fund centers to next year...i.e change the validity of the fund center to next year. I know individually we can be do it but I want to change the validity of all the fund centers to 2011. Kindly suggest.
2010 Dec 21 10:24 AM
Hi, you can export FC data with FMSX to file, change data and import with FMSY, and can use FMMD0011 for changing data. But as for me it's better to create LSMW
2010 Dec 24 2:27 AM
Thanks for the solution, customer would prefer to keep a extended validity date of fund center (same as that of cost center since it is derived from the cost center itself), instead of LSMW every year. FMSX & FMSY not very helpful.
Wishing a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year 2011 to all.