2015 Feb 03 9:42 AM
Scenario 1
I have created a service PR for 100,000/- and created a PO for 80,000/- and when I check the reort FMRP_RFFMEP1AX for commitments and actuals In PR it shows reversal of 80,000/- and once I go and close the PR Manually entire 100,000/- gets reversed i.e commitment of 20,000/- ges added in to budget.
Scenario 2
In case when I make supply PR with maerial code but with cost center, with the same values of PR and PO, after creation of PO amount get reversed in PR is 100,000/-
why it is so? Is anything missing in config? DO I have to run the report FMRE_SERLK for service PRs to free the balance commitments...
Please advise
2015 Feb 04 4:24 AM
Hi Shailesh,
For how much quantity you have created PR and PO in scenario 2.
Ankit K. Agarwal
2015 Feb 04 4:24 AM
Hi Shailesh,
For how much quantity you have created PR and PO in scenario 2.
Ankit K. Agarwal
2015 Feb 04 4:34 AM
For Scenario 2, PR quanity was 100 @1000 and the PO was made with Quanity100 @ Rs..800
Shailesh A Joshi
2015 Feb 04 5:14 AM
Hi Shailesh,
System is behaving correctly.
If you have created a PR of 100 quantity and then you have created PO of 100 quantity. It means your PR is complete. Obviously system will reverse the whole budget of PR i.e. 100000/-. In case of material PR/PO, system budget process is quantity based.
Now you will question, why this is not happening in your scenario 1. Answer is, your scenario 1 is of Service PO. In case of service PR/PO, you have activated "Value Based Commitment" instead of quantity based commitment. And this is correct because in case of service PO, generally we create PR with 1 quantity and with some amount.
Ankit K. agarwal
2015 Feb 04 7:18 AM
So, in case of service PR for scnario 1, how do I relase balance amount to my budget? (that is where PR is made for Rs.100,000/ and PO is made for Rs.80,000/, how do I release balance Rs.20,000/)
Do I have to do it manually every time?
Please advie
2015 Feb 04 10:38 AM
Yes...if you are following "value base commitment", You have to manually close PR every time.
Otherwise how system will come to know that you will not create PO against this PR for balance amount.
Ankit K. Agarwal
2015 Feb 04 11:59 AM