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Commitment transfer

Former Member
0 Kudos


I purchased one material for Fund Center A11000 (commitment item 132000) Rs. 10000. So my procurement budget will get consumed for this FC and Commitment item.

But I issue this material to FC B22000 as this material now not needed for dept A11000 but required for B22000 (commitment item 41000), so my consumption budget will get consumed for FC B22000. Initial procument is also correct for A11000.

Can we transfer this commitment (not budget ) from FC A11000 to B22000 as consumption is in FC B22000.

Here we are assuming that budget (Procurement and consumption) should get consumed for same FC for same FC.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos


I am not sure if you are talking about a purchase requisition or a purchase order but there is no process to transfer commitments.

In case you change the FM account assignments during MM process (PR - PO - MIRO - MIGO) then the commitments will be updated correctly in FM tables.

In case you have a PR in FC A and you want a FC B, you can change it in the PO therefore the commitments will be updated correctly. I hope this helps.

Best Regards,
