2007 Sep 03 8:50 PM
Hello dear experts,
We are implementing the FM with Public sector Module (Campus Management/FICA). Our customer requires to have collective bills for groups of students.
This means that a company is going to pay for a group of students their tuition. If this company does not pay the collective bill, the students in the collective bill should then be blocked to continue studying in the next semester until the collective bill is paid.
We went to the transaction FQEVENTS to add to the event 0063 the Module FKK_COLL_BILL_CREATE_0063. The documentation we found said that this is a prerequisite to use collective bills.
Even though we have fulfill this prerequisite when we are trying to access FPCB the system send is sending us the next message.
This function has not been released
Message no. FMCA1023
You have selected a function that is not supported by the component Public Sector Contract Accounting.
System Response
The function cannot be executed.
My question is can the Collective Bill function be use with Public Sector contractual accounting?
If so, what else are we missing?
We have tried by adding functions to the events 2222 and 2220, but not luck yet.
Thank you for any help
2007 Sep 12 11:14 PM
Hi ,
I´m so sorry but this transaction FPCB is necessary for using the collective bill but
unfortunalety it has not been released for Public Sector and the whole collective bill can not used for Public sector.
Hope this information help you.
2007 Sep 12 11:14 PM
Hi ,
I´m so sorry but this transaction FPCB is necessary for using the collective bill but
unfortunalety it has not been released for Public Sector and the whole collective bill can not used for Public sector.
Hope this information help you.