2016 Feb 24 9:19 PM
Greetings to All,
We are having the below scenario where budget is not transferring along with Actual Cost Distributions during CO Cycles.
1. We uploaded the budget in budget structure for Example : F1+FC1+CI1 = 10000 $
2. And we posted some actual data in the same budget structure for 10000 $
3. we created CO Distribution rules to distribute the actual Cost between 3 cost centers
Example : Cost Center -A = Fund Center A with value 5000$ ( 50%)
Cost Center -B = Fund Center B with value 3000$ ( 30%)
Cost Center -C = Fund Center C with value 2000$ (20%)
4. Posted the Distribution cycle, then system distributed Actual postings of budget structure = F1+FC1+CI1 based on the percentage defined in the cycle
now Actual postings are updated in new Budget Structures like
F1+FC-A+CI1 = 5000 $
F1+FC-B+CI1 = 3000 $
F1+FC-C+CI1 = 2000 $
5. When checked the budget availability with the above New budget structures system is showing negative values , and under budget field there is no budget has been transferred from sender budget structure to receiver budget structure.
As per my analysis, i found that we need to execute separate budget transfer in FMBB to reflect the budget in new budget structures.
there is no automatic budge transfer will happen during distribution cycle , since distribution cycle works only to distribute actual postings not for budget postings in FM.
Is there any alternative way how we can transfer the budget along with actual distribution cycle.
Thanks in advance
2016 Feb 25 8:57 AM
CO distribution cycles refers to consumption. There is no distribution of budget, based on consumption activity. If you have business requirement for automatic budgetary transfers, you will have to develop something on your own.
2016 Feb 25 8:57 AM
CO distribution cycles refers to consumption. There is no distribution of budget, based on consumption activity. If you have business requirement for automatic budgetary transfers, you will have to develop something on your own.
2016 Feb 28 5:29 PM
Hi Eli,
Thanks For your reply,
Are you referring to ABAP Development ? Or any Cofiguration ?
2016 Mar 01 8:28 AM
2016 Mar 08 4:35 AM