2008 Jun 24 8:01 AM
We usually transfer the budget from year to year with our own program based on BAPI_0050_CREATE. The budgeting is usually based on just one root fin.pos , say GIVEOUTBUDGET.
In some cases the budget was distributed one step lower : sow for FEES, TRAVEL, MATHERIAL...
I was trying to use the standard TA FMMPCOVR.
This transaction transfer the whole amount of budget per fin. pos in the next year and books down all bills amounts per lowest fin.pos. bookable (-). So it looks very strange, because the budget issue has to many positions. Even if I create a derivation , which points all lowest bookable positons to their roots (12345>>FEES, 12346>>FEES, etc. ) the transaction creates many lines with a fin. pos. FEES. I would like a cumulative booking per roots fin. pos.
2007 2008
budget FEES 10000 budget FEES 10000
bill 12345 2000 budget FEES -2000
bill 12346 1000 budget FEES -1000
7000 7000
Did smbd. solve this problem ?
Kind regards
2008 Jun 25 4:55 AM
You can create your own key figures (FMKFDEF) and define what the residual budget should be for carry forward.
2008 Jun 25 12:22 PM
We use the standard key figure YE_RESIDUAL, I was looking on its structure and definition and coudn't find out how could I point on the root fin.pos. The documentation on key figures is very poor, do You have some idea where could I read about it more
Kind rerads
2008 Jun 26 1:55 AM
I've a small document in this regard. You can download it below. I will remove it from the site in 24hrs.
2008 Jun 26 9:47 AM
Thanx a lot for this usefull document. Unfortunately this does't solve my problem - it is not possible to aggregate values (&) by carrying over the residual budget. Trying to create the key figure with this tag generates an error on save.
Kind regards