2013 Feb 27 1:33 PM
We are carry fowarding Residual budget through FMMPCOVR at the end of year by giving account assignment elements individually.
Say a) Fund Center : F1 to F10
b) Commitment Item : C1 to C10
and Posted budget address will be F1+C1, F1+C5, F2+C1, F2+C5... etc.,
But client requirement is want to carry forward only few account assignment elements, say F1+C1 and F2+C5 .......etc.,
we have given inputs a) Fund Center : F1 and F2 b) commitment item: C1 and C5 and executed.
System is carryforwarding F1+C5 also.
Can't we give inputs based on F1+C1 and F2+C5 combination?
Please Help out....
Thanks in Advance..
2013 Feb 28 9:07 AM
You have to do it in portions. You cannot select combinations (boolean expressions) of parameters on a selection screen of the program in question.