2012 Jul 17 5:43 AM
I do not see the option of posting budget in foreign currency..I want to post budget in USD and system does not show any option for selecting budget currency in budgeting workbench. This is a requirement from client that they want to post budget for some fund centers in Foreign currency. Please guide me is this possible in FMBB.
2012 Jul 17 9:08 AM
2012 Jul 17 9:26 AM
Hi Eli:
Ok budgeting is done on FM currency..Now what about expense posting or raising PO based commitment which may be in foreign currency . Fund center and commitment items for supplies has been given 10 M budget in FM currency. Now its consumption at PO creation or GRN is being done in foreign currency. Will AVC check be triggered on foreign currency consumption posting or not?
2012 Jul 17 9:33 AM
Of course, your consumption documents could be done in any currency. But in FM tables, the budget will be checked in local currency.