2009 Jun 20 2:42 PM
We got error No assignment object determined for .... Messge No: BP747, While posting accountin document . we have checked BPCARRC0 - Check Assignment Object and found that Payment Budget commitement items and Fund Centers are not assigned budget structrue .
Please suggest how to correct the system ..,
2009 Jun 20 4:17 PM
Please copy the complete error message get your query/problem more clear.
2009 Jun 22 4:09 AM
Thanks , Javed.,
PB item 00001: No assignment object determined for 18000 / 410000
Message no. BP747
The budget structure for the combination funds center 18000 / commitment item 410000 / fund in line item 00001 does not contain a superior assignment object in the payment budget.
Also, if you have only assigned one assignment object in the payment budget, you must create assignment objects in such a way that every assignable element has ONE assignment object in the upward path in the payment budget.
System Response
Posting not made.
1. Define a superior element in the budget structure or define the BS element itself as an assignment object in the payment budget.
2. Check your definition.
3. Reconstruct the assigned values for the fund and year where you have changed the assignment object definition.
2009 Jun 22 6:01 PM
Hi Sujana,
Error message BP747 rises always as a consequence of customizing.
1. Define a superior element in the budget structure or define the BS element itself as an assignment object in the payment budget. Tx. FM9K
2. Check your definition. Tx. FM9L
3. Reconstruct the assigned values for the fund and year where you have changed the assignment object definition.
1.- Run transaction FMBV ( Fomer budgeting) in order to reconstruct
Budget values.
2.- Run report RFFMRC04 in Test mode in order to check if there is
still some inconsistency.
3.- If RFFMRC04 shows inconsistencies, then run this report in Update
4.- Reconstruct assigned values with FMBV again.
Also, check report BPINDAN2_NEW and make sure that Funds Center and Commitment item derivated were assigned.
Funds center: 18000
Commitment item 410000
Kindly do this and adjust the customizing. In addition, check the consulting note 1080301.
It should resolve your issue.
Kind Regards,
2009 Jun 25 2:54 PM
Thanks a lot .
We did as per your reply .
In report :RFFMRC04 : There is no inconsistancy.
Reconstructed FMBV :
Log : Item 18000 /410000 commitment budget exceeded
Message no. BP714
In document item 18000 /410000, commitment budget for fiscal year 2009 was exceeded by 70,000.00 INR.
and Further checked in report :S_KI4_38000050 - Against Release -> Annual Budget -> Overview Commitment Budget .
Current Release column and Distributal columns are showing NIL.
Please clarify me further .