2013 Jun 05 12:10 PM
Hi Experts
This is with regards to Automatic release of Budget.
I have activated automatic release of Budget. It is working fine. For transfer it is not working fine. When I post the document and check the sender and receiver fund centre, there is no change in amount.
Now I went to budget type. I selected Budgeted type Transfer and double clicked. I maintained Enter, Receive, Send and Supplement.
Now I again went to FMBBC and posted the above document but it throwed error as below :- Combination RETN / RELE is not allowed for status STAT01. I tried to maintain this combination in ‘Assign Budget type to process’. But it is not allowing to maintain there to.
Document type maintain as below :-
TAI1 Budget Entry 01 Budget with automatic release
Process assigned is Enter, Receive, Return, Send, Supplement.
Can you please guide where I am wrong?
2013 Jun 06 7:34 AM
This is resolved. Maintain entries in Edit status and system allowed the postings.