2012 Dec 10 7:13 AM
At client side we are facing a practical issue of deriving grants for a student who is linked to multiple grants. E.g Student XYZ is sponsored by Grant A & B simultaneously. Using Order ID i can derive one grant per student for scholarship expenses like tuition fee waiver , hostel expenses e.t.c but not multiple , i-e 70 % of tuition fee waiver is being given from one grant and 30 percent is from another grant. have any of you faced this practical problem on client side , if yes then please guide me through...
2012 Dec 13 5:57 AM
Issue has been resolved by making use of BADI_GMDERIVE and EXIT_SAPLGMDT_002. KUNNR field has been fetched into GMDERIVE and a view has been provided to which let users enter IO/Student I(KUNNR) and GL account as a target field and Fund/FC/CI/Grant/SC & SP. Now using a combination of IOs we can easily assign a student (opened as customer ) to multiple grants and hence grant can be consumed in FB70 for scholarship expenses .
2012 Dec 13 5:57 AM
Issue has been resolved by making use of BADI_GMDERIVE and EXIT_SAPLGMDT_002. KUNNR field has been fetched into GMDERIVE and a view has been provided to which let users enter IO/Student I(KUNNR) and GL account as a target field and Fund/FC/CI/Grant/SC & SP. Now using a combination of IOs we can easily assign a student (opened as customer ) to multiple grants and hence grant can be consumed in FB70 for scholarship expenses .