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Activation of Funded Programme field

0 Kudos

Dear All,

We activated Fund Management objects (Fund, fund center, functional area and commitment) except Funded Programme. We have projects and activities under projects. The activities are created as internal orders and integrated with Fund Management. Now we want to shift total controls to Fund management only.While doing, i want to activate Funded Programme field in Fund Management in place of using Internal order. I heard funded programme field is visible from EHP4 onwards but not for to enter directly. SAP is suggesting its better to use funded programme field with Internal order or WBS but i dont want to use either Internal order or WBS. I want to do everything in Fund Management. We are in ECC 6.0 EHP5. We want to keep primary control field for budgets is Fund center field.

Can you please suggest. is it good to activate Fundend programme field now and what are the consequences of using Funded programme field to Process FI, MM and HR transactions.




Former Member
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Hi, frencly peaking it's not clear what exactly you want.

Activate FP only if it's required, because it influance on performance(posting,reports)

As per my knowledge you can only make it visiblae and not changable. So you can only derive it from another account assignments(sap recomends to derive from IO,WBS and networks).

If you are not on ehp 4, then it could be usful to use it for budgeting/avc via period (funded program can be used as period), but it's customer solution

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I/O and Funds managements functionalities do not subsitute one another. You can 'get rid' of budgeting in CO and use only FM (though, sometimes budget in CO could be useful as well), but you cannot subsitiute other CO functionalities by using PSM-FM. Regarding funded program, what Alexey said is completely correct; it's derived object and it's not entered by itself.

So, if it's the budget functionalities of I/O that you want to stop using, you can indeed use FM objects for it (not necessary funded program, but also fund centre), but you will have to continue using I/O as such. Theoretically, you can subsitute your I/O assignment by FM assignment (say, fund centre), but it's completely irrational.



0 Kudos

Thanks to Aleksey and Eli Klovski.

I am already using Fund center, Fund and Functional Area fields for different purposes. I need one more FM object as per our Budget structure. Project is having different activities. I can use Fund center for activities and for budget control. So i want to use funded program field for "Project". I wont enter directly funded programme field becuase i can derive this field from the source field Fund center through derivation rule but SAP is suggesting Funded programe field can derive from Internal order or WBS.

Why i am considering Funded programme field is, it will appear in FMBB screen and transactional data will update in FMIOI and FMIFIIT tables with Funded programme field. So to extract reports as per our budget structure, i can check only one table instead of going different tables. Due to this field, i need to know how it will effect Payroll also. As Aleksey said, i heard it wil effect peformance also.

Please advice me.



Former Member
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Technicaly you can enter FP in project. Enchance project master data with Z field(or use existing), while creating you can put 'funded program' in master data, then via fmderive derive funded progam via z* field in project master data. But I've never use such solution.

'but SAP is suggesting Funded programe field can derive from Internal order or WBS' - it's just suggesting

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I understand the idea to have budgetary data in one report. Well, as I said, keep the internal orders, derive funded program from their (by derivation rule or directly in master data) and budget it accordingly. You will keep I/O module, though. Another possibility would be to derive funded program based on some other parameters of the document (it could be very flexible) and drop the internal orders. The only thing you have to accept is that funded program is not for direct input.



0 Kudos

Thank you. Sorry for the late reply.

I agree with you as we can not input in Funded programme field. This is not problem for us. I need to know can i get Funded programme field in all Modules as FI, HR, MM and Travel Management as visible only . Please let me know funded programme field can be derived from Fund center field instead of Internal order through derivation rule, if not, please provide any Functional Module or BAPI.



Former Member
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'Please let me know funded programme field can be derived from Fund center field instead of Internal order through derivation rule' - yes, you can create you rule how to derive FP from FC.

' I need to know can i get Funded programme field in all Modules as FI, HR, MM and Travel Management as visible only' -only in ehp5

0 Kudos

Thanks for your information. We are in EHP5 for ECC 6.0 and EA-PS Release 605. After activation of Funded programme field, i am able to see in PR and PO but this field is not appearing in Finance transactions or Asset Master or Travel Module or HR master data. Please advice.

