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In my last blogs “E PLURIBUS UNUM” – A Government Transformation Journey and ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL – Share Service Center approach, I spoke about digital transformation process within the context of Public Governmental Organizations.

Being aware of the entire picture around Government transformation process, as well as, the target solution covering cross processes within the government (shared service), it is important to note the role of technology as a fundamental pillar in making the dream a reality.

In my opinion, there are two different standpoints for the success and promotion of the transformation. One being the Citizen, by excellence, government organizations’ focus given that it is the citizen who is the end user. On the other hand, the operation management of internal systems within government (budget control, process efficiency and effectiveness).

The foundation of the technological architecture answers the two standpoints ambitions resulting in a true social, financial and operational return.

From the citizen’s perspective, we have, nowadays, a new generation who demands intuitive services, accessibility 24/7 seeking simplicity in the interaction. This “social media hooked” generation may give the perception that they are unconnected due to the existing actual government bureaucracies; however, they want to be heard with regards to topics relevant to their future. They want to have an active voice on organizational and political decisions. On the other hand, we have another tier of citizens, searching a higher level of personalized interaction with dedicated programs and channels. Is all about Citizen and Business engagement with better services.

How can technology answer
both demands?

By speaking about omni-channel platforms. We can achieve these goals with SAP’s offer, SAP Hybris Citizen Engagement Platform, which promotes the connection between different governmental systems with final consumer, in our case, the citizen or Business. With a vast array of functions (request; payment; complain; collaborate;…) through the different channels (web; mobile; self-service; social-media, ..) aims to satisfy the demands of the different tiers of citizens described above.

From an internal organizational perspective, it is important to find answers and solutions that provide information to public sector managers, as well to stream internal operations within the different governmental entities.

In nutshell the focus on the automation of transactional processes, which can be achieved with a streamline of data sharing aiming for a better set of decisions.

How do we answer the needs of relevant and updated information within executive meetings, budget control analysis or how to anticipate the impact of unpredictable situations (the results of an election of a G20 country, the death of a leader, the exit of an UE country, lack of agreement on oil quotas or even a natural catastrophe)?

How do we take advantage of existing data within governmental systems, for analysis purposes, to create patterns or to cross data in order to agile fiscal inspections, fraud detection or investigation processes?

In each of the outlined scenarios, it is imperative to make available information from other sources available on any device.

Addressing some of the typical scenarios, which require a technological response and support, but without forgetting previous blogs’ content where the most important focus are people, technology is just the mean to achieve goals and the desired transformation.

Current technology allow us to define the architecture based on in-memory platforms, on premise or in the cloud. In this way, answering in real time to the required sets of data. An example of this is planning and real time budget control.

Based on a new in-memory database, SAP S/4HANA allows all ERP operations that aside from financial and budget components, permits effective public procurement process or human capital management. As an example, this is the perfect fit for shared services center concept where all cross processes within government can be supported.

This should be the Government’s strategy providing a link between the priorities and the concrete targets, supported within a governance model for a whole of government approach with accountability, transparency and collaboration goals.

Typical scenarios where a manager requires updated information; Analytical Dashboards within mobile devices providing the required analysis based on the same sources of data in real time is a differentiator and an important asset for decision-making.

To empower executive meetings with interactive visualization of the key KPI’s through dashboards is more and more common in big, private organizations and being adopted by the public sector. SAP Digital Boardroom is the answer to this reality, providing, not only, operative analysis but also “what-if” scenarios joining different sources of data. Technology also allows us to incorporate predictive models, applying algorithms over different sources in order to display patterns at the time of making decisions.

Another area of concern for any government is the efficient capacity to respond to catastrophic scenarios. These scenarios require the involvement of the most diverse entities, public and private, being coordination a key factor of success. Different data sources, different organizations and immediate response are the important key factors to visualize all available resources. SAP Real-Time Situational Awareness is a solution which allows that visualization and optimization of resources.

Another typical scenario in which technology can facilitate and accelerate operations is related to internal risk control or the control of sensitive information. A set of solutions focusing on internal controls are available within Governance, Risk and Compliance area. SAP makes available components such as SAP Access Control, SAP Risk Management and SAP Fraud Management.

Within the same viewpoint, compliance and investigation processes are key components for the control in interacting with external entities. The creation of risk profiles for taxpayers, beneficiaries, vendors, etc., are key parameters for the creation of predictive models, which accelerate and optimize the usage of resources within eventual investigations. Coordination with mobile applications allows an efficient usage of time and resources dedicated to these tasks.

The importance of the Big Data usage was highlighted on the above scenarios. SAP provides a full set of Analytics solutions such as an example SAP Predictive Analytics, focused solutions like SAP Assurance and Compliance Management and SAP Investigative Case Management covering the above requisites. The full scope of coverage within the Public Sector offer can be depicted within the SAP Industry Value Map for Public Sector.

The examples provided are just a few within a huge array of many others that could also be detailed here. Instead of that, I wish to leave here, opened for discussion, the outlined scenarios. More importantly, I wish to understand your opinions about the relevance of the presented scenarios and other ones relevant to you, where you do consider that technology is not yet fulfilling them.

This blog was a simplistic approach; however, I am certain that any of these scenarios could be explored in detail covering technological architecture or cultural environment perspectives with concrete examples of undergoing government transformation processes.

This can be the starting point for a bigger forum of discussion analyzing the best practices within government digital transformation. To support that discussion leave here the Steve Jobs, sentence putting the technology as the support to put in place the people vision.